Cmdr Jose C. Silva
Trader / Smuggler
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Asp Explorer JCS-04
Overall assets
Ghost Legion
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Star Date 20330327 CMDR's log - Farewell Solaria

27 Mar 2016Jose C. Silva
It's a sad moment, when you bid farewell to an old reliable ship with so many stories to share. My combat Cobra, later smuggler refitted, Solaria has been retired.

After the first trial smuggler run went so well, the following six where a complete blunder... while trying a variety of strategies, i got scanned 6 times in a row, each one prompting a failed run. It was only by the seventh try that was I able to complete another set of delivered smugs, racking up nearly 10M, plus 600.000 Cr's on star data. However, something in this long runs was starting to pick on my nerves: fuel scooping. Not that I'm not able to do it, it just gets boring...

So, it was time to get myself an ASP explorer. 26M in the bank meant that the fully fitted ship was reachable but would leave the banking account dangerously low - never fly what you can't rebuild. That was when retiring Solaria became a possibility. A long sleepless night went by, evaluating the options... By morning, a sad decision had been made: the 8M worth resell price of the Cobra would provide the necessary financial cushion required to run the ASP. I set about investigating where a discounted ASP could be found. Since I was at it, a discounted FSD, thrusters, power plant and advanced discovery scanner would also come in handy, since the ship and these components rack up nearly 75% total cost. As it turns out, at Lazutkin Terminal at LHS 20 EVERYTHING is at 15% discount - I was able to build a fully kitted ASP for a full discount on absolutely everything!

Well, Solaria, be still - I honestly have a feeling that my first smuggler run profit with this ASP will be used to get you back on the roster!
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︎2 Shiny!
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