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CMDRs Log #f̵̠̔h̷̪͆s̴̥̃ - Starcation

02 Sep 2022Cycordeth
StarDate: 9.2.3308 1̷1̴:̴3̵̺̿9̴͉̉
Location: Makulu | Section-31 Headquarters
Ship: Shadowfax
Status: Whelmed

It's abundantly clear that the newest 'upgrade' that Hera Tani practically vac-taped to my FTL-Com when I last stopped by was scantly a prototype and more of just scrap metal with some LQDs that sparkle every so pretty. I have no clue what order these logs will finally arrive out of whatever anomaly they fell into; so i'll start with the situation at hand and let the pieces fall where they may.

On but the promise of a scantly granted permit to a system with a renowned port known for dabbling in Guaridan tech, some of us with the Pilots Federation chose to put I dont know how many tonnes of raw Gallite, Cobalt, and Osmium into the belly of the behemoth that Azimuth calls Glorious Prospect, their megaship licking its wounds in the LHS 157 system. I was happy to shake the Platinum dust off Monty, recharge the beams, and really put the Python through its paces. It's been ages since I felt the cold comfort in the solitude of mining the asteroid fields. I've been running a few side projects, getting research together on a few events in the far past of the galactic history - our history has just been on my mind a lot since the Incident - and I even contacted Ram Tah for a data pad; it's secured info, and i'd need his level of access to get the guardian research I need, but i doubt with the flurry of work he's doing that he'll notice my telecom. All the more reason to visit him sooner rather than later, even amidst the chaos Salvation left behind and those new Unknown Relics have stirred up.

HIP 22460 has been on everyone's mind lately, and Salvation certain did what he said he would do - His final gift has certainly brought a proper start to Humanity's next 'greatest chapter'. I was there. Stepped foot on The Musashi. Witnessed to pulse. I even defended a few CMDRs who needed my help or they would of ended up on the wrong end of one of the Scout Ships, but it felt too wrong to kill a living being with no ill intent towards me - no matter how alien. I left the system and scrubbed any trace of the my record even being there form the Pilots Federations servers. But I'll never forget the black, and how it stared back in that moment my ship went dead. That voice, it said... it said something, didn't it? it scratches at the back of my mind, trying to be heard, but never allowing your brain to settle on what it means....

I think i'll take my time while the Fleet Carrier is in dry-dock for upgrades here in Makulu. It's time for SC-31 to recall the majority of staff and prepare HQ for the long-haul. That means outfitting, both ship and personal, expanded crew accommodations, a secure warehouse, and even crew luxury fixtures. We have operatives who can adjust their vendor locations from within their post at Universal Cartographic, Vista Genomics, and , due to some favors I called in with Frakes with the Robigo Cartel. He was able to get me the algorithm to flawlessly falsify the logs. I didn't ask how or where he got each hack, but when he got called me and told me he had the key for the last code, he got the payment he requested in full - unfortunately for him he wont ever be leaving our headquarters to spend that fat sack of credits. But he has his life and he is left whole and intact. His talents can be put to great use in our Darknet division.

Salvation & Azimuth didnt drag us kicking and screaming into this, they simply opened the airlock and humanity gladly jumped outside for want of a fresh gulp of air. We supplied Azimuth the resources to catapult their project to fruition ahead of schedule and just in time for the old man to execute his master plan before the weakness of flesh gave way and the strength of will alone could not preserver. But, before the weakness of my cyber-mesh covered flesh gives way, I too must retire. The headaches from the StarDreamer still come in waves strong enough to blur my vision at times. Once Headquaters overhauls are complete, my Starcation in Makulu comes to an end.

Here's to hoping it arrives before that... thing... arrives... they've been calling it the Stargoid like its a pet-name for a cute anomaly and not what it is; the pale horse of death, here to annex us from the comfort of what we once new, and usher us into a new age.

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