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CMDRs Log # 1x̸̰̍̀m̴̛̹̈- - In Pursuit of Perfection

08 Sep 2022Cycordeth
StarDate: 9.8.3308 09̵:̵0̴7̸
Location: 37 Geminorum | Charles Port
Ship: Shadowfax
Status: Anxious

After ensuring all proper and legal upgrades to SC-31 Headquarters' Drake Class Carrier were complete, we took necessary precaution to populate a false flight log for the next seven solar cycles as a test-flight before marking a return voyage for one last tune-up, allowing time for our Secure Warehouse and other not-so-legal modification to be established properly within our carrier. An unregistered dry dock in far orbit of the main body of Makulu allowed for simple & efficient maintenance with limited downtime. It only added a few solar cycles to the projected completion date, and will allow for uninterrupted service far into the future.

These upgrades have vastly increased the efficiency of our entire organization, and my ability to execute missions; In fact, the accounting division has devised a possibility to recoup costs and, in rare cases, even allow for profit beyond that of our originations upkeep and maintenance. This would require a large swath our employees to fill menial roles in an ore processing capability in orbit of a popular mining system however. In the case our organization needs to go dark for some time, this may be a more optimal rout than simple suspension of service on the carrier and simply returning most agents to field work in a reduce capacity; something i'd prefer not to do.

Unfortunately the timing couldn't have been better - and by that, it couldn't have been worse. Simply put the Stargoid has everyone on edge, myself included. It have very recently come out of whatever fusion of hyperspace & witchspace that it was occupying, one that some are calling a hyperbolic orbit powered drive due to its ability to build speed and catapult through the galaxy using stars. The science is lost on me, as it's hypothetical quantum tunneling at its finest and that was never my strong suit in the academy.

However, the extended time in dry dock has allowed me a few solar cycles to peruse my own avenues at acquiring some pre-engineered gear. My search took my took a handful of system, most notably BD+47 2391, Lambda Andromedae, and LHS 3877 for their exceptionally bountiful star ports and planet-side bases. Ultimately i was able to purchase a fairly large number of above average equipment - replacing everything of poor quality and only picking up a few moderate pieces that looked to have prototype or pre-engineered specialty hardware.

I've personally seen a few pilot with what I would call truly fine quality personal equipment, and I've heard tale of some particularly exquisite equipment. I hope the fairly modest amount of above average quality prototype & pre-engineered equipment I acquired will suit me just fine until I can establish a further dialog with this Domino Greene. just like with ship modifications, I hope to establish enough of a repertoire as to actually get the plans and blueprints for the modifications and disseminate these through the boys down in Tech, allowing for upgrades to be completed without having to actually visit each engineer.

Our stellar cartographers reported the anomaly passing HD 38291 at a speed of 0.45 ly/sec, bearing towards Oochorrs JE-C C15-0 before it fully disappeared off our, and everyone else's, sensors. One unverified report on a darknet Pilots Federation channel claimed to have heard a signal originating from OOCHORRS RE-0 D7-2 while in HD 38291. A foreboding omen for all - it appears to have entered normal space and traveling through a bubble of sorts, of systems with solar wind and background interference so strong they've simply been disabled on all flight-nav computers. It seems to stem all the back to the prototype builds first engineered all that time ago, an archaic system that has withstood the test of time but has left humanity with the an inability to verify any reports in the area.

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