Logbook entry

CMDRs Log # 14x̴͈̅

15 Sep 2022Cycordeth
StarDate: 9.15.3308 06:47̵̱͋
Location: Samuda Terminal | Chun Pindit
Ship: Golden-Gun
Status: Resolute

Defense of freedom is a noble pursuit; marred only by the practically of warfare and the bloodshed. My god, the bloodshed. Already, thousands and thousands - no, millions - liter that inky black between the planets in backwater systems known only for one thing and one thing one: the bloodshed.

I've killed clones, i've choked the life from synths, i've even put down quite of my fellow man; it all means nothing in the end, if we lose our footing in this small, small bubble of the galaxy. Section 31 is the means, and the end isn't until humanity has a guaranteed chance of survival - we all recognize the futility, because we see a single drop does nothing ... yet nothing weathers the storm infinitely; the age old test of humanity vs the unforgiving universe.

I am not proud of my participation in this futile 'war' on the Thargoids... but our official involvement legitimizes certain aspects of Section-31, and essential meetings with high ranking members of the Pilots Federation are much easier during these trying times; all one needs is a little luck. Though I prescribe to the notion that luck is just a combination of luck and opportunity - and opportunities cup runneth over during war time. Legitimate or not.

Still, handing in commendations in 42 n Persei, Chun Pindit and Tekkeitjal for the kills I've racked up leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I may stay just long enough to ensure the boy in Warfare can hold down the system until this senseless free for all ceases. I'm confident in my ships and SC-31's fleet - what I fear most right now is going along on foot and meeting one of these... things... face to face, unprepared.
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