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CMDRs Log # 15j̸̧̃ - Joy Senne's ICE Beacon

01 Oct 2022Cycordeth
StarDate: 9.30.3308 13:14
Location: SC-31 | Aiabiko
Ship: Dora
Status: Pensive

Section-31 is taking full advantage of Joy Senne's 'beacon drop' package in the Aiabiko system - hundreds if not thousands of Independent Pilots will be flying by to scan and retrieve this data & distribute across the bubble and beyond. As long as our carrier is here, we cant attempt to intercept that downlink process & insert a trojan algorithm to siphon off data; the code will get discovered and purged eventually, but it will be traceless and the days if not weeks of data we get from every corner of the galaxy makes this well worth the momentary excursion from the ongoing in-fighting against the anti-xeno movements.

However, I took a personal interest in the information discussed within the transmission. I fear this sort of involuntary subconscious involvement and occupation of the mind was Senne & Borichev's plan - and an effective one at that. I believe that I am not alone in this sentiment, the war has caught up to too many now, but simply put peace must always remain an option, albeit not always the option. For humanity to prosper we must be both wise enough not to go to war, yet strong enough to put and end to the conflict once it has began.

Section-31 is and always will be here to ensure that, whatever side wins, there will be someone left to pick up the pieces after it all gets spaghettified; despite this, I admit, when I first heard of the Thargoid Advocacy Groups and, I thought they were as crazy as some of the Anti-Xinists i'd met. Personally, I dont get how you can expect us to be alone out here in the black, but some of the more extreme TAGs can border on fetishization for the xenos. I've seen the kind of people cults prey on... the weak of will and feeble of mind, and this makes almost every TAG is a wild card in my book - when playing both sides of this conflict, you dont want wild cards. I do find Borichev closing remarks thought provoking, someone might be trying to use this conflict to be another Cassidy and come out on top against the Supes.

The second transmission surprised some more than others in that there has finally been acknowledgment by at least some news source, independent or not, discussing the wave in anthropomorphic terms. There are far too many theorys being tossed around within SC-31 regarding the HIP 22460 roar to make any further comments, internally there is still quite a bit of debate to the nature of the sound; is it Human, Thargoid, Guardian... or is it some combination of the three? I have personally listened to the recording at +24 semitones and heard... something...

Closing out the transmission were a few remarks from Senne that hint at possible involvement with Canon Research? or maybe an inside informant? Her 'crew' or fans rather, may number in the hundred of thousands, but we have tech here at sc-31 that dwarf small moons in cost, and this is saying nothing o megacorp intel... yet she is as on the pulse with her information as the Pilots Federation? Something doesn't add up. Anytime someone is pushing an agenda, they're profiting off of it - and to that end, what is Heimar Borachav's goal in being involved in all this? is it truly peace or were they simply advertising their 'business' to prospective investors?

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