CMDRs Log # 153 - Aegis Rising
04 Oct 2022Cycordeth
StarDate: 10.03.3308 22:32 Location: Bigg's Colony | Altair
Ship: Shadowfax
Status: Alert
Rumblings of Aegis reforming have been brewing since the moment they officially ceased to be; but serious talks are probably best pinpointed to the Galnet article published 15 Aug 3308 when Commander Marcus Mercer joked that if Aegis was still around, it would have paid big credits for the Thargoid-Guardian Hybrid Artifacts. Now that I think back on that interview... wasn't Marcus communicating via an Interstellar Common Experience (ICE) network? Which network was it on, I wonder...
With Joy Senne in the in the zeitgeist, I might have the boys in DeepTech try and track the traces through the Old-Net. There shouldn't be any problem verifying the authenticity of the signals origin, but SC-31 doesn't get caught with it's flight suit half on so we will need time to track some leads back and see if there's any deeper connecting between Marcus Mercer, Joy Senne, and Aegis. This dive their their records will highlight any anomalies, and we plan to pay special attention to any connection or involvement with Carter Armstrong, Dr Mia Valencourt or, Yazhu Xing.
Section-31 Headquarters conducted enough field operations in the Aiabiko system to justify pulling out early and instead conducting surveillance in the Altair system, in orbit around New Apollo City on the planet Bigg's Colony, where the very conferences themselves are being held. I may be calling in quite a few favors, but having boots on the ground and operatives on site to ensure Section-31 provisions are included in the charter is imperative; it's standard operating procedure since the founding of the federation. Of course, this begs the questions: How many other shadow organizations are here pulling the heart strings & coin purses of those in a position to put themselves in a position to make lasting & effective change?
Seems like the Super Powers want a way to get the job dont without getting their hands dirty - the very same circumstances that marked the founding of Section 31 if I recall - then that leaves a vacuous space for someone to step in take advantage of the situation for their own gain. If someone is trying to be the next Fergus Cassidy and pull one over on the Supes, they will need to be playing multiple steps ahead and this whole Aegis mess seems like exactly the catalyst, and the vehicle of change, they might need.