Logbook entry

Remembrence 3

06 Sep 2016Niatra
When the meeting was finished all paladins left the room swiftly to execute the orders. Andy caught up to Niatra starting a conversation:" So when are we going to start our training sessions?" Before Niatra was able to answer, Digitarry screamed from the back:" Deputy Fleet Commander Niatra. A few moments please!"
Inhaling deeply, Niatra gave Andy a look, turned around and marched back to Digitarry.
"Sir?" Niatra asked when the door fell into the frame.
"FFS, Niatra, what was this? I realised a lack of performance in the last couple Days. You alright?"
"Yeah Digi, I am fine, thanks. Only having flashbacks here and there, but I'll live. I promise i will not inpact on my flying."
"It better not, else I'll come into your Python and show you how you fly personally!"
"Will do."
"Sorry what was that?"
"Sir, yes sir!", Niatra screamed, turned around on the spot and hurried out of the room.
Moving back to the INV Renegade, Niatra thought about the training sessions, how to proceed and how to get the Paladins motivated.
Around the next corner he bumped into Marshall.
"Sorry, sir, I was thinking about..."
"No worries, Niatra, nothing happened. Just came back from the vacation. Took my family out to the woods of a nearby Earth Like World, no technology there. Was fun! Expecting to see you at the next training!"
"Will do sir!"
"Ah and Niatra..." he continued.
"Sir?" he replied uneased.
"Stop calling me sir, will you?"
"Yes S... Aye Marshall."
"Fly safe!"

Niatra finally found his way to the Renegade, after stumbling about in the wrong hallways thinking about this and that. Back in the pilot seat, a sudden wave of sleep stumbled upon him, making him drift away.

And yet again the red light above the door started flashing, announcing the same procedure as everytime. Moments later, two gorillas entered the tiny room, tying Niatra to the metal chair, putting another right in front of him and then standing to either side of the door with their weapons presented until the slit open. The woman entered the room, sat down and the monkeys stomped 2 times and marched out again.
And as every time before, for what felt like weeks or months, she started a conversation about philosophy. Quoting Plato and Sokrates, moving on to Nietzsche and Schopenhauer. Talking about their perspective of life and how right they were and how people are blind in their believe to be free and needless. How freedom is nothing but the will playing tricks on you.
The conversation was fun. Niatra was in his element, chatting happily away. But then, after what felt like eternity, but still too short, she stood up, wished him a good day and vanished without a further word. The guards came in again, took the chair, left and Niatra went back to his bed.
He was puzzled of the woman and he missed her moments later already. He was not sure why but he accepted it, acking for her to come back.
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︎4 Shiny!
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