Logbook entry

Home Again

07 Sep 2016Niatra
"Damn it!" Niatra screamed at the Fer-De-Lance entering the station on a sliver of hull integrity. Beams shot passed his cockpit window, so he boosted and turned around. The Federal Assault Ship now has opened fire on him, missing every shot as the chaff was active. Niatra pulled the trigger, burning inch-sized holes into the Assault Ship's Hull with the multi cannons firing endlessly. He stopped when it lit up leaving nothing but a few pieces of metal flying around.
"Careful commander, assault against the station will not be tolerated even if this is an anarchy system! The ground cannons are locked on your signature now!", the controller announced via radio.
"Alright, alright. Sorry!" he gave through the comms, "Won't happen again!"
"Idiots....sophisticated idiots!" he mumbled to himslelf.
"Andy you good?" he asked through the comms.
Andy replied:"situation is clear, enemies defeated for now."
"Copy that, Niatra out."

The Paladin vessels met at the the scrambling beacon.
Digitarry announced via comms:" Good job to all of you. This part of the operation was a full success and we got a lot of recognition by our allies. Keep up the good work.
Niatra you are out for now."
"Yes sir." Niatra replies, turning off the radio.
Finally setting course for home. He misses his new flat at Onnes and to be able to get off his python.
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︎2 Shiny!
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