Logbook entry

Planetside Incursion

07 Sep 2016Niatra
"Niatra, you take team 3 past enemy lines while group 4 flanks the enemy. Take down that AA gun ASAP!"
"Sir!" Niatra saluted and turned to his squad, motioning them to follow him.
With bullets flying past his head, he had little time to explain.
Niatra was frankly just happy to be alive. After his courier got picked off by the AA array in this area, along side larger vessels, he crashed near this infantry regiment which was deployed to take out specifically these AAs. The bold move to sacrifice manueverbility in Topaz's Atmosphere to avoide Imperial Interdictors to be deployed, turned out to be tactically partical for the Indipendents of Facece, leaving the larger imperial vessels in the open for the AA arrays.

"Bomber! Get down!"

An eagle flew overhead and lay down a carpet of missils on group 2 and 1, who were assaulting the outpost frontally.
"They are gone, nothing we can do. move up!"
Niatra's little group of 4 people stood up and quickly moved behind the next batch of rocks.
Although the regiment was rather large, most clippers got picked off by said AA guns before being able to deploy their troops. So instead of having 400 footsoldiers, Lord Haveen was left with 120 Soldiers, 30 of them in group 3 and ,apart from Niatra's group, all in group 1 and 2.

Master Niatra led his little task force around the enemy encampment, to the front entrance of the AA.
A very open area, with 2 large hydrogen tanks to either side with landing pads attached and a few crates here and there.
"There are 6 guards up ahead. The three of you, move up ahead undiscovered. Wait for my mark to start engagement. The Serf and I will flank the enemy. Move!"
Flanking was a valid strategy, but after passing the second Hydrogen Tank, a sudden click behind Niatra called his attention.
A guard team patrolling the perimitar stood there, telling them not to move.
On reflex, Niatra rammed his dagger into the first guard's chest and hammered the second guard's skull in with the rifle. This started a firefight to the left of the tanks. The guards, obviously hearing the desperate shooting of the patrol, moved towards the canisters and the Outsiders, thinking this was their mark, opened fire. When Niatra and his comrade arrived at the seen, the guards have been shot down, but two outsiders got killed with the third one being injured.

When the blade slipped out of the heart of the last guard, Niatra knew it was over. The Outsider and the Serf were at the door, guarding the main entrance to the faciliy, whilst Niatra went ahead shutting it down.
"AA in cluster 89, perimiter charly-7 has been taken down. We requier medical extraction as soon as possible."
Cleaning the Dagger, Niatra strolled outside waiting for the cobra to pick them up.


The alarm clock ringed loudly in his ear. Turning it off, last night's celebration now took its toll. It never was his thing to stay up long and 4 a.m. is too long. Mumbling and grumbling he made his way to the shower, getting ready for work again.
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