Logbook entry

The Plot 1

07 Sep 2016Niatra
"Alright, let's go Hersilia. Try your best!" Niatra announced over comms.
Immediately a vulture started moving towards him, sending large slugs as soft regards against his shields.
Sending back not so big, but in exchange more, multi cannon rounds. Both the vulture and the courier span around each other, giving their best to hit the other as hard as possible. The battle was hard but quick and the vultures shields dropped, quickly followed by the courier's.
"Yes!" Hersilia screamed over comms, followed by a weird manuever which appeared to be on accident.

When the Hersilia's canopy bursted and the cockpit got flooded by vacuum the training stopped. On the way back to the hangar, tactics were exchanged as well as tricks and equipment.
"Hang on Hersilia, getting a Prio-Message.", Niatra said, opening the message:


Niatra checked the comms panel:" No paladins in response range. Hersilia, repair and come with me, no time to check your thrusters!"
Both jumped into Andhrimi to the set coordinates, which were encoded in the message.
A small base apeared on the surface with small landing pads around.
After setting down and greeting each other, they strolled towards the entrance with no guards in sight.
"Stop intruders. You are under arrest!" Someone announced from the right.
Hersilia shot the mercenary in the head with her personal revolver. As the body with the hollowed out head hit the floor, it revealed a second guard. The shocking look on his face was the last thing it ever expressed as Niatra's blade cut it in half.
"You love to get up close and personal, don't you?" Hersilia asked. Niatra responded with a dead stare and silence.
Soon after, the sirene of the base went off, alarming every mercenary at the perimiter. Moving from dead mercenary to dead mercenary, the double team finally reached the entrance, scattered in blood and burn marks from the laser fire. As the doors slit apart, it revealed a forcefield.
"Hersilia can you crack that?"
"Just a minute." She replied and let her fingers fly over the console.
"Halt! Get away from that console", a lone soldier screamed.
"Thump" The bullet of Niatra's pistol made him lay down.
"We're in!" Hersilia said with a smile on her face.
Moving through a dark and long corridor with nothing but concrete walls to either side, the Paladins moved silently but calmy through the hallway, eventually reaching a T-Intersection.
"You go left, I go right. We stay in contact via radio.", Niatra ordered, giving her the "Stay alive" look.

Once on his own, Niatra moved more swiftly, sneaking past doors which now happen to apear. He looked at the names and finally found one that said "operations room" on it. He opened the door and sneaked in as silently as electronic doors allow it and found himself in a dark room with no lights and a tiny window.
"We have expected you", say a woman with a smile on her lips. She sat in a chair turned away from the door, but Niatra new the voice.
"I thought we were done?" he asked her.
"Not quite. Sleep well sweetheart." she whispered as Niatra went to the floor, unconsciously.

Niatra woke up. His body moved without him. He stood up, turned towards the woman and stood there, waiting. She arose of her chair pushing the blond hair out of her face, moving it towards Niatra. She whispered something in his ear, kissed his cheek and left the room.
Niatra was not able to move but he turned around, left the room himself and drew his dagger, going back to the T-Intersection.
"Hersilia, target down, meet me at the ships!" he heard himself say, but he did not make out her answer. Like he was being controlled he strolled back the T-Intersection, waiting for Hersilia. When she appeared he asked if she ran into trouble. Just before the end he said "Good job! And Hersilia?"
She turned around. Niatra drove his dagger into her stomache, taking her into his arms.
Niatra realised in shock what his body just did and he somehow managed to whisper:" I am sorry, Hersilia!" into her ear as a tear ran down his cheek.
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