Logbook entry

The Marriage

16 Sep 2016Niatra
Niatra stood surrounded by people. It was a beautiful day on LFT 37 1, the sun was about to dusk and the sky was painted it in all coloures of orange, red, yellow and blue, providing a mysterious picture. He was standing on a little podest, which was enveloped by trees on one side, covering up a brightly lit up lake, and on the other side, by a line up of seats. Between the seats there was a red carpet, leading from the podest about ten metres away to the entry of the little courtyard, the seats, the podest and Niatra were in. The white, simple but numerous seats were filled with awing faces of familiar people and unfamiliar ones. Niatra recognised the facial expressions, behaviours, dress ups and structures of not only Imperial worlds, but also Federal
ones, Alliance worlds, many Indipendent systems. They were smiling at him and someone else, waiting for what is about to happen. The birds of LFT 37 sat on the branches surrounding them, giving a quite little synfony of their little throats. It was silent apart from them and the lake being moved by the wind. It was as if everyone was waiting on something. Niatra's gaze caught a figure in front of him, but first there was a person dressed fancily to his right. It was Marshall, looking at him with his grin on his face, waiting for him to respond.

Finally the eyes of Niatra moved to his front and they met the most important person in his life, although he had no clue who she was, but he just knew. In front of him was an mysterious woman. She was dressed very fancy, a cobalt dress, slightly strafing the floor just the right amount of drag. She had a slim figure. Her face was pale, a gorgious shape wrapped into long, dark brown hair that reached her ribbs. They lay open and on top was a neatly woven, purple crown, bearing the insignia of the Federation. Niatra was startled seeing it and his eyes moved down to the blue eyes of the woman in front of him. They had a sparkling in them and it melted into a wonderful smile together with her elegantly formed lips. The nose, tiny in structure, fitted perfectly into the whole setup, providing a lead down to the bare throat which held the little head, slightly leaning to the left side, on top of strong but artistically formed shoulders. Around the Neck was a tiny little necklace, baring an engraving that read "Niatra" on it. The figure in front had her hands in front of her, resting them on his. The whole scene was waiting for him until he responded:" Yes!" After he gave those words from him, the crowd bursted into cheers and the woman moved towards him, embracing him in a wonderful kiss.


Niatra woke up staring at the clock. Still not time for the operation. It read 1830. What am I supposed to do?
The comms crackle and a woman's voice started talking to him:
"Niatra, wanna do something until the operation starts?"
"Sure Hersilia, I'll just be a minute!"
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︎5 Shiny!
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