Logbook entry

Beginning of the End

23 Sep 2016Niatra
The fleshy sound of the blade cutting through her skin, her bones and her veins, sounded in the hallway. Her body sank slowly into his, her beautiful face turned towards her undoing, the blond hair slightly over her blooded lips. The stare on her face showed surprise, the last thing anyone will see of her.
When Niatra held her body and let the blade slip out again, he felt pitty and his mind felt hollow. Finally he had eliminated his torturer, the one and only ever getting to him like this. He carried her lifeless body across the floor, to the ritual chamber and put it on the sacrificial table. There he left her, cleaned the wounds, put her in a comfortable position and turned around, leaving his terror behind.


Niatra was sitting in his office, staring at all the paperwork in front of him. Requests of coalitions, requests of escort services, reports from the templar forces, reports of crimes, influence, underminings...the list was never ending.
He got up, walked into the kitchen and got himself a new coffee. No sugar, no milk, no nothing, just black. He sipped a bit of the wonderful mixture of coffee with coffee and walked back to his table. On the screen a message had popped up. It read:
We need to talk, now!
Asja Faheer
Niatra nearly spilled his coffee over the table and chocked on a few drips in his throat.
"Niatra to ground control, I need my Python suited up for launch ASAP!"

A little later he sat in his pilot chair, his assault rifle clipped to the back of it, his daggers and handgun at the ready. In a slick Imperial uniform he sat there, nothing else but his mind and his weapons to protect him of what to come.
When he landed at the said coordinates in the Sol system, Niatra got out, carefully observing the area. Not much was there, a cobra mk 3 parked opposite of a little compound, which was nothing more than a topside bunker and 2 gangways leading towards both grounded ships.
The place was dusty and dirty, and even if the backdrop of the scenery was astonishing, the place around the bunker was sandy and it seemed that the sun did miss the spot on purpose. It looked similar to Topaz, the world where Niatra grew up and has spent a lot of his time.
In the shadows of the next cloud, Niatra made his way towards the entry, the assault rifle at the ready. Entering the door, he saw a little control room and behind that another door, similar to the one he was at, behind it. In the very middle a woman was standing in a gorgious Imperial uniform. She was neither uncomfortable nor overly happy to be in this situation and it seemed with every step Niatra took, her face grew darker.
"Good day, darling." Her lips torn to a evil but astonishing grin, "It took you longer than I expected!"
"I was in no rush.", Niatra answered calmly, his assault rifle now tugged to his back.
She continued:" I wanted to talk to you, the relationship you are leading with this federal officer, is nothing I can comply with. I see you traitoring to the empire, to your old love and more importantly to your life. I cannot continue to watch this and seize actions. I will terminate this right here, right now, but I give you a choice. You can either go out of this life you are living in pitty and as a traitor, cut in half from my own blade." A shutter flashed Niatra when she drew the well known, only three inches long, but none the less effective blade, and spun it in her hand. "Or, and I would prefer that a lot to the other option, you could perform a ritual in this room. It has everything necessary to cleanse you from your filth and treachery!" The last words slipped her mouth with fire and fury, whilst her dagger pointed the way towards the room she mentioned.
Niatra took a few moments to observe the room and afterwards her. The place was cleared of computers and tables. They were assembled at the sides, leaving the middle as an arena like build up. The walls were dark grey, concrete, with imperial banners all over the place, apart from the door to his left, which stood wide open leaving his eyes unobscured to the ritual table and the arrangement of swords and knifes at the backwall. Asja's Uniform matched his. She has been promoted to duke and the fitting insignia alongside the imperial one was on both shoulders as well as the chest. Her gorgiously formed body was leaning to the left slightly and it gave Niatra flashbacks to the accident. His eyes found her gaze, her green eyes which were covered a bit by her blond hair, reaching to her ribs. Her mouth was awaiting his response and her facial expression was arrogant in its assortment.
Niatra's heart went cold when he retraced her words:
"Then it ends here as it should have years ago on Topaz."
In contrast to the beforehand official, strong and loud chatter of hers, suddenly a nearly sad tone mixed up with a teary character announced:
"So be it."

Niatra was catapulted to the back when her blade missed him but her boot found the target she sought. Jumping back up from the dust he licked his lips, brushing away the blood.
"I have been training for this, probing you and checking your weaknesses since a long time."
Her voice was grim, when the words left her lips, eradicating every sweetness that was before. Niatra unclipped his assault rifle which just gave him a rather unpleasent falling and stoop up again, flexing his muscles. Her slim body moved faster than his but his attacks were more powerful than hers, so where his blocks.
A fist came flying from his right whilst a dagger moved towards his chest. Turnin towards the dagger, he ducked below the fist and rerouted the blade into thin air, making his own elbow find a target behind him.
Asja exhaled strongly when she hit the ground.
Niatra turned around, kicked her dagger aside and picked her up. She was lighter than he imagined, but more muscular than he remembered.
Her flat hand found his face, hitting him hard, but his grip was too strong, keeping her other hand in place behind her back. His right moved forward while his eyes where locked with hers. When the metal found leather, skin, flesh and bone, it made the, to him, well known sound that made his heart race every time. For the last time he saw both of them, fighting on the imperial officer training yard, fighting with daggers.
For the last time he saw her tripping over a rock, flying into his blade.
For the last time he saw her innocent but forgiving glance at his face.

The fleshy sound of the blade cutting through her skin, her bones and her veins, sounded in the hallway. Her body sank slowly into his, her beautiful face turned towards her undoing, the blond hair slightly over her blooded lips. The stare on her face showed surprise, the last thing anyone will see of her.
When Niatra held her body and let the blade slip out again, he felt pitty and his mind felt hollow. Finally he had eliminated his torturer, the one and only ever getting to him like this. He carried her lifeless body across the floor, to the ritual chamber and put it on the sacrificial table. There he left her, cleaned the wounds, put her in a comfortable position and turned around, leaving his terror behind.
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