Logbook entry

High Alert

27 Sep 2016Niatra

Niatra looked sleepily on the message that just woke him up.
After the incident he recovered fine. Silently he slipped out of bed, not to wake anyone, put on his uniform and his gear and moved to bay 40, where the cutter was parked.
“Control this is Guatemaya November, India, Alpha, INV Carthage, requesting permission to lift off.”
“Guatemaya November, India, Alpha request approved, clearing mailslot. Have a great journey Deputy Fleet Commander Niatra!”

On the -REDACTED- Commodities Market, Niatra immediately found the -REDACTED- trader but before he could reach him two guards blocked his way.
“Please follow us, honoured guest.”
In a little gangway to the side, a person was standing. In fancy clothes he welcomed Niatra, saying he was “Chief William Auer” leader of this facility. It seemed that he brought a whole regiment of guards as Niatra literally was surrounded with no way out.
“We know you and your group need -REDACTED-. And we will happily provide these!”
“Where is the catch?” Niatra toyed around with the handle of his sidearm.
The chief continued:” Of course we need something in return. We have a few loads of slaves that need to be delievered to some location. If you do that you can have as many -REDACTED- as requiered. We will also pay you for the slave shipments, we need them done urgently!”
Niatra fletched his teeth. He likes the way imperial slavery developed, but normal slavery is without rules, without a law, without anything. He despises it. Many female slaves are being held as toys for rich men all over the galaxy. Male slaves usually are dropped into mines where they are left to die.
He hated the concept.
“Fine, but only this one time!”

Whilst the cutter was being loaded, Niatra stood aside, angry about himself. He watched the cryopods being dumped onto the the loading ramp, filling the cargo space up, alongside 33 tons of meta alloys.
When the chief went by saying with a grin on his face:” Pleasure doing business with you!” Niatra ripped the dagger of his chest and threw it just past the chief’s nose. It dug into the next well, inches deep, and made him stop. He turned around, flashed a smile and continued walking.
Niatra grabbed his dagger, checked the tip and moved into the cutter, never wanting to see the station again.
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︎1 Shiny!
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