Logbook entry


13 Oct 2016Niatra
*call ended*
Niatra steps away from the comms-terminal, sighing in retrospect of what just happened.
He moved to get himself geared up, assault rifle on his back and light armour on his chest, and moved to the PCV Hetzer.
"She won't be taking me by surprise this time!"

When entering Sol system a flood of chatter crossed Niatra's screen. Many people enjoying their life, doing stunts around stations or security forces establishing checkpoints.
"How the hell am I supposed to find her here, or...whatever is left?"
*Automated Message received*
-.-. --- -- -- .- -. -.. . .-. / -. .. .- - .-. .- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / .-.. .- -. -.. / .- - / ..-. --- .-.. .-.. --- .-- .. -. --. / -.-. --- --- .-. -.. .. -. .- - . ...
*message ended*
"easy decrypted..., Commander Niatra, please land at following coordinates... Guess I'll check that out.

On arrival the facility appeared empty. Anti-Air guns were shut off, no guards, no life as it seemed. Niatra quickly put on on his EV suit and moved outside. Carefully he observed the area, knowing he could easily walk into a trap. All of a sudden his comms-panel started blinking.
"Not now finn!", Niatra grasped out, shutting it off, after rejecting three calls, " I told you I have to do something."

When entering the facility, he found himself in a airlock. It has been pressurised and when the doors in front slammed apart, a set of guards where there, weapons at the ready.
"Commander Niatra, I am chief petty officer Rayland. I apreciate you being here, Admiral Faheer spoke greatly of you. As she has identified you as the next in line of this project, I ask you to give me some inside. A few weeks ago a bunch of mercenaries showed up, claiming to be here on her request. As I was unable to connect to Admiral Faheer, I put them into lockdown, but I received a message, clearing this up. I have to say, I was not aware of the importance of this mission, but please, you must be exhausted, follow me to my quartiers."

When alone in the room, chief petty officer Rayland explained the importance of this facility, emphasising its mission: To destroy the empire and clear the path to unite the galaxy under federal government. When a note was passed to Niatra reading "This project shall pass like a sword through the heart of the imperials." together with the Intel of several capture Imperial vessels being used to simulate bombardements on worlds denouncing the Empire, Niatra felt the rage coming up. In a split second his dagger found its way into the chief petty officer with the words "And now my dagger shall finds its way into your heart, so you know how that feels!".
Alarms went off and Niatra found himself in a firefight with a guard squadron. Thanks to the adequate cover provided by the heavy table and the very comfortably placed door, he was able to fend them off and make way to his ship with a lot of evidence, mission reports and rosters. He also downloaded the data core, storing it for later use.
"Federal Security Service, this is Admiral Niatra, I need an orbital bombardement onto my current position in three minutes. Give it all you have, missiles, torpedoes, plasma, I want this place down for good!"
"Authority identified and condifrmed, orbital bombardement incoming, stand by for report!"
When he started up the engines of the Hetzer, the AAs opened fire, draining his shields effectively. Just a few seconds before he was out of reach, his shields went dry and the ship's trajectory tumbleded, influenced by the forces of the shells. A second later, it stopped. On the external cameras, Niatra saw the red glimmer of the ground facility going down in flames of the orbital bombardement.
"Admiral, this is squadron leader Jeremiah, all weapons fired, target destroyed."
"Thank you SL, Admiral Niatra signing off."

Back in his office, Niatra searched the data he extracted for details and interesting developements. This rouge cell under the formed guidance of Asja Faheer, took down several planets which have been allegedly attacked by the Empire. Her squadrons were involved in a few dozen operations undertaken by major and minor powers, effectively underming as many organisations as possible.
It all boiled down to her apparent death, which is where her hate originated.
"I gotta call Finn, he will want to know this."
With that Niatra went to work, placing kill orders on individuals in colaboration with the cell, waiting for a response of Finn.
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