Logbook entry

The Ceremony

29 Oct 2016Niatra
The honorary marine squad of the Imperial Navy stood calm but with pride in their shiney white uniforms. Presenting their rifles when Niatra walked past them. In a slow march, him and the other count, earls, marquis, dukes, and princes walked forward to the podest, their heads held high.
“Alpha Squad, halt!”
“Turn right!”
The formation stopped and turned to their right.
“In honour, of the Admiral of the Fleets, Denton Patreus, present!”
When the rifles were lifted to their presentation state, a unified metallic sounds rumbled through the hall.
Patreus slowly walked past the soldiers, reaching his light spot.
He raised his arms, starting his short speech:” My comrades. My fellow imperial citizens. We have gathered here today, to celebrate the promotion of these few honourably souls amongst us. Each and everyone of them has served the emperor and the emperor outstandingly, proving themselves several times already. I cannot tell you and emphasise enough how proud I am to know these individuals personally and be able to call them my comrades.”
He now called every single one of them towards him and after a short salute he promoted them officially to their according rank, followed by a handshake, a salute and a formal release into the formation.
“Duke Niatra, triple Elite of the Pilots Federation.”
Niatra stepped forward, sharply turn towards the Admiral and saluted.
“I hereby promote you to the rank of Prince for your outstanding service in the past months in numerous Imperial and Paladin operations, forging a strong band between the powerful group on behalf of the Emperor.”
He pinned the medal and the newly gained stripes to Niatra’s uniform, stepped back and ended the ceremony with a salute.

Back at the landing pad, Hersilia was already waiting for him. On entering her green Asp she bowed, semi-serious, semi-amused, saying:” It is an honour to have you on board, my prince.”
He gave her a look that shook her, but he started grinning afterwards.
“After you my federal princess.”
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