Logbook entry

In Pieces

19 Dec 2016Niatra
Niatra woke up in a dark cellar, his head humming. He was surrounded by heavily armed guards. He was cuffed to a wall, his hands over his head but he was standing on his feet. The chest was naked but his legs were still wrapped in the absorbing black leather he wore. The headache grew stronger.
One of the guards stepped away from the others, towards him.
“Name, Allegiance, Rank, Origin and Secret Codes. PRONTO!”
The loud voice made Niatra’s vision go dizzy but he got out:” Screw you, you Cu…”
The last term was cut off when the rifle butt of the guard found his stomach. He exhaled strongly and pulled his legs towards his chest slightly. Cringing of the pain he gasped:” That is all you can you filthy son o…”
Again he was cut off. The guard had turned around and had pressed the side of his arm against Niatra’s throat. The air flew out with every moment the guard’s fist pushed against his chest.
“Let him be XO. Give him time, he will talk…”
The figure that just talked rested his hand on the “XO”. He was dressed unlike the others. A sharp face with dark hair and mediocre facial hair, dressed in a filthy green uniform, a sidearm fixed to his hip. “Give him time.”
Niatra let his head hang down, falling into his own world again.

Finn had left. He had the intel. Finally this was off his shoulders. Niatra opened the tablet in front of him, unshackled the drive and destroyed it with the acid included in the back. He watched the acid burn away ever single piece of matter on the floor, including the floor itself until it found its arch enemy: Steel. The chemical reaction stopped and the acid turned into dust, leaving no trace of any information. He started to get ready, relieved himself of the uniform and slipped into the combat outfit. The cold leader felt good on his skin and the weight of the protection and assault rifle made him feel comfortable. He shouldered the sniper rifle and grabbed the mask, peeking into his bedroom for the last time before this operation. There she lay, everything he had left in this galaxy, apart from a few others, but she was what was keeping him on his feet.
“I’m going on a mission, Hersilia. I will be back in a few days I hope.”
“A mission? Where, what type?”
“Federals just killed my mother…”
He took a tablet of the shelf, opened a file and handed it to her. A horrified look spread across her face as she read it.
“Wh…Who the hell ordered this?!”
“I don’ know, it is supposed to be a cell of Zachary Hudson working with Faheer, so I will pay them a visit.”
“Let me come with you.”
“No! No. I don’t want to lose you as well.”
“I know these people. I know the Federation and what they are like.”
Niatra sat down to her side and takes her hands into his.
“I don’t know what will happen and losing you would be my undoing.”
Hersilia’s face pales as she stares into his eyes.
“If you are sure…but if you get into any trouble, call me. I still have some connections, you know?”
“The trouble I will be in if I get into any will not be fixable with diplomacy.”
He kisses her hands and starts to get up.
She tightens her grip, stopping him for the moment.
“My connections don’t use diplomacy...”
And with that she slackened her grip. Niatra’s stare rests on her eyes for a split second, then he turns around to the door, but stops again, looking back at her.
“Don’t grief for me if I do not return. Live on and remember me for what I was.”
His gaze becomes empty and hers grows stoney as she replies:” Fly safe my dear. I’ll see you soon…”

Niatra’s vision came back, nothing clear but he kept blinking to make out outlines.
“Good morning sunshine. Miss me yet?”
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︎3 Shiny!
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