Logbook entry


19 Dec 2016Niatra
“Good morning sunshine. Miss me yet?”
Niatra shivered when he recognised the voice.
“You are dead! I killed you! I burned you! You have been terminated!”
His heart beat in uproar whilst his breathing became unstable. A slight feeling of panic arose inside of him, making his vision blurry again.
“Oh no worries, you have killed me. You very well did.”
A cold hand touches his cheek, tilted his head slightly and stroke his skin with the thumb.
Niatra stared into her eyes. The green eyes of Asja Faheer.
“How are you here then if I killed you?” Confusion entered his mind, he closed his eyes, trying to wake up from the nightmare he just dropped into.
“Oh you have killed me.”, she steadily repeated, a smile playing with her lips,” one of me.” A girlish giggling was to be heard in the dark and cold room out of concrete. The echo only intensified Niatra’s shiver, making him feel even more uncomfortable, apart from hanging half naked form the wall, chained up.
“Don’t fear me, I don’t want you any harm.” The giggling stopped and ice cold lips pressed themselves upon Niatra’s. A sweet taste was left on his red lips, accompanied by the lingering smell of death combined with the flourishing air of her perfume. It was deafening and Niatra’s eyes started tearing.
“I just need one thing.”
A theatralic pause set in and her nails traced his skin down to the left side of his chest where they rested, her cold hand pressing against his lung.
“Your heart!”
Her nails buried themselves in his skin and he fainted, being on the verge of nervious pressure.

The blade of his dagger slipped out silently of the guard’s body in front of him. They eyes opened in shock, the federal officer fell onto the floor, gently held by Niatra who put him down without making another sound. The base was infiltrated. No trace of any clues regarding the assault on his mother yet, but the base was huge. Four teams were dropped off and firefights broke lose around the compound. Each team was now right in front of the central control room, without many casualities until now and air support has locked down the landing pads as well as shot down any scout vessel and also shielded the base from signals. The operation was going smooth.
Niatra held his assault rifle at the ready again, moving around corner after corner, scanning for enemies.
Rat-tat-tat-tat, rat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat.
Two short bursts put the guards standing at the main gate to sleep. Niatra motioned his company to set up defences and offenses around the gate, whilst he moved to the panel to open it.
Reminding himself of what Hersilia taught him, he opened the security lock around the door, hovering over the main button within moments to open it. His second in command nodded and the gate opened. Bullets and laser fire passed the threshold as soon as the first glimmer of light was to be seen. Wounded screamed and the steam of burned flesh, metal and leather was obscuring the vision. A loud bang was to be heard and a few imperial soldiers were catapulted through the air. Niatra cringed and fired an entire clip into the direction the grenade came from.
All of a sudden the air was filled with the thick dust of silence. Nobody moved and the Imperial officers secured the inside of the room. It was a mess, blood spilled everywhere, together with lost bits and pieces of men and women.
“Prince, we have found something here.”
The sudden call of his 2nd in command ripped Niatra out of his state of mind. He watched the screen he was being shown and found the intel about a forward base, a sort of bridgehead, built buy the federation to deliever reinforced and brutal surgical strikes against imperial vessels and allied ones. The reports read the deaths of thousand citizens in surrounding systems, one of them being a Beluga Liner that was taken out recently.
“This is it. We have found it. All teams scramble back at the LZ, we are done here. Team three, set the bomb up, tell us when ready!”

Niatra woke up again. He was lying in a comfortable bed. He was neither chained nor unclothed. His wounds have been treated and he felt good, comfortable, safe. Only something was off. There was no banner of any faction in this room, nor were there any doors. Just one outstanding feature in the wall. The room was beautiful but before Niatra could take in more details, the spot on the wall slid apart and Asja Faheer entered the room, clothed in a robe that only covered her so much. She stepped into the room whilst the hidden door slammed shut and graciously moved towards the bed, tracing Niatra’s leg upwards with her fingers.
“I missed this. I missed you. I think we will get along quite well.”
She moved her hands to her shoulders, pushed the robe off them and crawled into the bed. Niatra, stunned by the picture and especially her perfume, blanked out completely.
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︎2 Shiny!
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