Logbook entry

Breaking Point

19 Dec 2016Niatra
A woman rushed by him. Her hand was in another man's. He had mediocre facial hair a sharp face with dark hair and was wearing a green uniform, a little sidearm fixed to his hip. All of a sudden he let go, telling her to wait there. Apparently bored, she watched her surroundings discovering Niatra’s blue eyes, eyeing her intrigued. Her stare met his and she broke into a smile, with which a laughing set in.
Her blond hair toyed with her blue eyes, providing perfect contrast to her slightly reddish cheeks that are torn into a smile whilst her voice formed a laughter, burning into the opening cracks of his soul. Then a moment later, she was gone. All that stayed were her blue eyes that glared into Niatra’s out of the dark in the cellar he was chained up in. Nobody was there to tell him if he was going crazy or if it was a trick, all he saw was the blue eyes that looked into his.
Niatra woke up, Faheer lying beside him. Her hot skin pushed against his whilst her head was lying on his chest. He did not dare to move, probably could not even if he wanted to, and so he observed the room further. The walls were covered in colours of red, showing signs and pictures unknown. Only one stood out. It was the banner of the federation, the banner of the empire and also the banner of the alliance. They hang together, a long, thick, red cross drawn over them and in what looked like blood the letter’s spelling “Death to Them” have been put across them. Niatra gasped slightly, forgetting about the female head resting on his chest. Faheer lifted her head, giggled slightly when she saw his face and where he was looking at, tilted his head towards hers and kissed him.
“Don’t worry about it, you will be fine with me.”
Niatra’s gaze froze upon seeing her green eyes again and panic arose when her hand moved down his stomach.

He inhaled strongly, gasping nearly. The chains around his hands clanged in union as he tried to pull away from the wall. Outside his large cell, fighting was to be heard. The sound of bullets flying around, guards screaming and the sound of metal hitting flesh. A loud bang was heard followed by an explosion when the door fell into the room. The force of the energy together with the fresh air made Niatra pass out again.

The blue eyes looked into his directly, her lips formed words that did not make sense. She was laughing again and it seems she was enjoying herself. She toyed with her blond hair, moving them to one side, still watching Niatra. The conversation seemed to become sincere but all of the sudden, her face was mocking him. She stood up and walked into a room, leaving him behind, watching after her.

Faheers blue eyes watched his moves. Her hands traced the wounds left by the guard that hit him. The metallic left hand of hers brushed his cheek whilst her blond wavy hair turned towards the sudden explosion of the hidden door in the room where Niatra was chained against the wall. Bullets came flying into the room and the blond woman was running into it, throwing two knifes into Faheers eyes screaming to give her back her vision. A cutter crashed into the opposite wall, tearing down the federal guard that was pinned to the wall by Niatra’s dagger whilst the crosshair of his sniper rifle hovered over the patrol’s head. The trigger was being pulled and the guard fell to the ground with the second of the two “thumps”.
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︎3 Shiny!
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