Logbook entry

In my sight

25 Dec 2016Niatra
A howling alarm woke Niatra up. He jumped out of the bed, slipped on his EVA suit and sprinted towards docking bay 18. After starting the PCV Hetzer immediately without any security procedures, he opened comms to the towers:” This is PCV Hetzer departing for an emergency. Clear the mailslot!”
“Copy that Cmdr Niatra, clearing toaster rack.”
The crimson FDL shot out of the station, rolled around its own axis and charged into hyperspace, ripping a hole into normal space in front of the station, just outside the masslock.

“Paladin Command please specify target.”, Niatra announced via comms but before he received an answer another FDL pulled him out of supercruise. The fight was fierce but short. The enemy FDL lost shields before Niatra’s hull gave away under the constant pounding of lasers using phasing sequence to ignore his shields. After the last spin around the target, Niatra did not look back. He closed his eyes, waited for the sudden pop of the soundbox and the well known “target destroyed” of the synthetic voice in his cockpit and slowly breathed.
He wished the best for his defeated foe and made his way back towards Onnes Gateway, staying on comms with Paladin Command in case some other enemy showed his face in Andhrimi or any other System.
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