Logbook entry

The Fall

30 Dec 2016Niatra
The trigger has been pulled back, the bullet has entered the victim's head and the victim fell dead in the cell.

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Niatra stepped over the body, left the cell and told the guard to clean up inside. He cleaned the Templar insignia on his chest and moved back to his office, this traitor was not worth his time. When the doors slid apart, he cringed. The first thing one sees in this office is the big portrait of PalCon Leadership. Niatra lowered his head, his right hand slid up his leg and rested on his side until he finally drew the dagger out of its position and hammered it into the head of one of the executives. A long torn scream was to be heard throughout the whole office and the guards entered the room, arms at the ready.
“GO, LEAVE ME ALONE!”, Niatra ordered them and swiftly the Templars were gone just as fast as they appeared. Niatra withdrew his armament again and sunk into the chair. He had reports to do, stuff to organise, recruitment to push, but all of it seemed so small, so useless in the loss of Big Pappa.
Eventually he fell asleep, falling back into his dark mind, trailing his past, his present and the future that may never be.
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