Logbook entry

Shattered Glass

06 Feb 2017Niatra
The glass sprun into a thousand pieces in front of Niatra. The air was sucked out of the cockpit and his REMLOCK activated to keep him from suffocating. The canopy gone, targeting his weapons became a hard task and after he turned the Hetzer around, things did not look pretty. A whole fleet was right behind him, missing shots left, right and center.
-Thrusters Offline-
Niatra enabled the automatic diagnose and exhaled relieved that it was only a minor defect. The engines glared and he flew past corvettes, cutters, Fer-De-Lance and Vultures, raining plasma fire and bullets past him, eventually draining his hull to a sliver, but before the final hits connected, the Ship tore a hole into space and carried itself a few lightyears to another star.

-Access Denied-
“Bastard…”, Niatra found himself floating in space before the station, staring at the red text transmitted from the tower.
“What do you mean denied? I have a minute of air left!”
-Access Denied-
“You have to be kidding me, Tower, this is the PCV Hetzer, your docking systems seem to have encountered a bug, please clear me for the next landing pad asap!”
“Negative PCV Hetzer, your landing was denied by our controllers, you have no clearance, I repeat, you have no clea.....”
“If you don’t let me land right now I’ll fly this ship right into you tower! I have few seconds of air left so you better give me my pad now!”
“PCV Hetzer, a pad has been cleared for you, please approach landing pad 3.”

The head of the flight controller slammed against the wall a barrle pointed to his chin.
“Who do you think I am?!” Niatra shouted into his face.
“I’m sorry, we had no idea you were heavily damaged. Noone gave us a notice and you…”
“Don’t waste my time with pittyful lies, speak the truth or die on this spot!”
Niatra heard the clicking of a lethal weapon a few metres behind his back.
“If you come closer he dies.” He calmly added, slipping slowly into his training.
The Flight controller broke his played attitude up into a smile.
“Yes, it was on purpose, but if you kill me you’ll never get their name. I’m not willing to die for this contract and I already have the money. You will be granted free passage to your ship, the canopy has been replaced and it has been fully repaired, refuelled and rearmed. Promise to never come back here and I will send you the name via mail. Good day sir.”
Niatra let go of the man's collar, stepping back, his sidearms lifted on the guards, but they stood aside, rifles pointed to the floor and let him pass.
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