Logbook entry

T-30 Minutes

02 Apr 2017Niatra
Niatra looked at his display…
- T-30 to liftoff-
He straightened his uniform, checked his equipment, ran diagnostics on his remlock for the fifth time in a row. He felt uneased. He saw the angel regularly now, several times a day, but she still would not talk to him. She helped him in his darkest moments, but in these times of agony, he not only felt relief but also fear. Great fear that this angel would be his imagination and not a helping hand. Fear he was going insane and had no power over his body anymore. Fear he could end up being a no one.
An alarm went off repeating “T-3 minutes” over and over.
Niatra tore himself out of his daydreams and checked his equipment for the last time that night.
“Niatra to tower, reporting readiness!”
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