Logbook entry

Repurposed Blackbox Log #1367

12 Aug 2022Duplixity
>NOTICE: Pre-log self-test initialized... Running blackbox integrity tests. Integrity at 100%. Modifications detected: COVAS Information Uplink and Processing Extension. DeepCell Extended Battery Box.
>Blackbox battery at 23%. Connected to station power, recharged in 1 hour, 10 minutes, 23 seconds.
>NOTICE: Last recorded log: 5 months ago.
>Recording started, 12.8.3308.
*long, drawn out sigh*
"Wanderer's Log. Stardate Twelve-Eight-Three-Three-Zero-Eight."
"I go out to explore the stars, see some sights, and THIS is what i get back to?"
"The news won't shut up, and neither will my ship."
"I wasn't there in person, thankfully, but..."
"Did nobody expect this?"
"I swear, while people have great ideas, did they ever think to NOT piss off the Thargoids even more?!"
"Did they ever think they might be able to do what we did to them, but worse?"
"I'm more concerned about the big questions:"
"How long until they reach here?"
"How long until MILLIONS-- no, BILLIONS die?"
"I've seen the vids and reports, people killing the things, but i've also seen it isn't easy."
"And the general militaries, strong as they are, ain't equipped for something like that."
"...and neither am I."
"The Seraphim, good as a combat ship she is, ain't for fighting xenos."
"And the A-T-D can only run out in the black for so long, as well."
"When most of humanity can't run or fight, what do we do?"
"Do we pray?"
"Do we hope?"
"Or do we find a way to push them back?"
"Seems that third option already failed once, didn't it?"
"I know there's a lot of people out there that can fight."
"That can push back these Thargoids."
"But what will happen to those who can't?"
"Will they fad out like the rest, or will people care enough to try and save as many as they can?"
"...that's all for this log. Maybe i'll make one tomorrow. For now, it's been a long few days."

>End of log. Entering sleep mode...
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