Logbook entry

Valerian Worlds: 1. The First Discovery

17 Apr 2020Dopez2infinity
On February 24th 3306 While en-route to Colonia for the first time, I discovered my first Earth-Like world.

I had just left Kashyapa on the neutron highway when I took a quick detour so I could investigate a planetary nebula seen from my window. When I turned to go back to the highway I picked a blue-white star at random nearby the closest neutron to refuel the ship, and luck was with me in that choice.

The system is officially registered as Eoch Flyuae MJ-G d11-451, but I will henceforth refer to it as Valeria in honor of my family surname. Valeria is an interesting world. 8th from the first star, ringed, and twice the mass of our own Earth with its gravity at 1.5Gs. The orbital period is an astounding 3,141.6 days, with each day itself being 1.6 times that of an Earth day. Jubilant at the find I immediately jumped back to Kashyapa "which was around 500 light years back" to offload the data and claim the discovery for myself. After this I returned to map the entire system.

Since then Valerian Metals and Security Corporation "our family run company" has sent several ships to further investigate the mineral deposits in the system and Valeria itself for possible colonization. Its close proximity to the neutron highway and distance from Colonia have given us a good deal of hope for future expansion.

The truly amazing thing about this new world was the effect it had on me. What began merely as a trip to Colonia for the first time and a journey into new space quickly became a hunt for more habitable worlds. Once I reached Colonia and saw some of the strange sights about it, I picked a direction at random just like before, and jumped.

Luck was on my side not just one more time, but six.
to be continued...
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