Logbook entry

First Steps

26 Dec 2019Esper Richelieu
CMDR Esper Richelieu

CMDRs Log Entry #001

It has been three weeks since leaving the Academy and there training area, during training i was pushed too explore my trading potential as i tried desperately too not follow my brother's into the Criminal Underworld , so far i would say its working but is a long road too Elite for a bet with my class mates i put myself on the path of only trading using knowledge gained form the commodity markets of systems i visit, though this was going too be a tough sell they also told me i can take Missions that are primarily trading you know the kind "here you go take this pile of shit too here get paid that sort of shit". one other thing they allowed was helping the Galaxy in the random Goals that spring up in inhabited systems but only if they are of a trading type.

So hear we are sitting on SomerVille Station Down in the Caria System after getting involved in that party Goal , i wasn't in it for long only drooped a small amount of cargo (kept a few Bottles of Lavian Brandy for myself) in my Hauler with its tiny cargo bay but that gave me 1.6 million Credits too invest in my future, with that i found a used Cobra MK III for sale one previous owner. (must have run it through a meteor storm or left it cooking next too the A sun for a few day).

Anyway Shes mine i have her kitted out for trade and looking at the size of her hold Im going too grow old before i even hit 100 Million , she has a few quirks the display has a tendency too turn off at the most inopportune moment like docking when being hailed but nothing my right foot cant fix right , i am glad by Brothers taught me a thing or two about tools and how too use them i should have this thing working fairly good soon.

*Console Chimes*

Hmm whats this it seems the Leaders of Laukaitu Faction wish 2 units of Basic Medicines too be delivered too Hirasawa Depot in the Ganit System as a follow on too a previous Mission i did for them its worth 551,913 Cr (those must be some very expensive Meds) .

*beep* *Mission Accepted*

CMDR Richelieu Logging out .
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