Logbook entry

Trading Too Ascension

29 Dec 2019Esper Richelieu
Logbook Entry #002

CMDR Esper Richelieu

I have only Had this Cobra a few Days now but the faults she is racking up seem too be endless, i came into the Ganit System with zero Nav Data on the head up display, " great maybe someone left me a trail of bread crumbs too follow too Hirasaw Depot" at this point i pulled up one of the panels reached in and gave a bit of a tug too the wiring loom " nothing damn it ,when i was in here last that was definitely the issue maybe its the actual emitter"  . Closing the panel with a bit of a thump too prove a point the screen started too flicker with a yelp of joy i punched in the station coordinates too the nav computer and opened the throttle .

Hirasaw Depot , Ganit System.

Once i get this think on the Part a bright eyed enthusiastic Fitter walks over  

" i here your having Nav troubles with this sweet ride you want me too take a look at her for you"

i look at him with a smile "How much"

he laughs " no Chard CMDR i seen you around here a few times now dropping off and heard a few swearing matches with you and the ship thought this time i could help "

" Be my guest its something in the Nav console i have checked the wires and connections up to the Emitter but no breaks so maybe the Emitter has an internal fault" .

Walking off i let him know ill be in the bar looking over ship brochures which got a good laugh out of him.

Hirasaw Depot Bar.

Beer in one had open console for new and used ships in system in the other hand , nothing much in the way of use used but at just over 1 million there was a Brand new Type 6 same jump drive as the Cobra a 4B so same over all jump range i open a com too the outfitting on station asking how much refitting a ship of this size would cost and how long.

" it depends on how much cargo you want CMDR if you keep the 3A Shield and have a class one fuel scoop on it you could get 104 tonnes of cargo space that's really all your gonna get realistically, then it depends on weapons it comes standard with two class one pulse lasers but if your going for range you may want too drop them out , if you D rate most of the core like thrusters and power plat you should get around 26ly maybe less"
i look back at the ship image and my account ok ill sent it too you do what you can everything you have said is what i would choose so go for it , how long ? "

" 3 Day we need too get the power plant shipped over, hows that sound for you ?"

i look back at his image," that will do even though you haven't gave me a price ill take it , it also gives me time for a few more runs too get More Credits , thank you for you time"

just as i finish with the outfitting tech a data pad drop in front of me followed by a congratulatory hand i look up and take the hand as we shake.

" Good Morning Esper i am Station Manager Mcguire and i would like too use your services in transporting 36 tonnes of Uraninite too Stromgren Hub , do you think you can do that for me ? "

i look up and beckon the woman into the booth with a smile " too be honest with you Manager Mcguire i don't often take jobs that have not passed through the regular channels of the mission board"  

she laughs softly " Ah this is your First ascension Mission For the Empire, i was given it on your arrival you are technically  serving the Empire , if completed you rise too Outsider. Not all these Missions are hand delivered but i saw you come in here and wished too be there in person too congratulate you"

"thank you then i guess i will take the job just waiting on my ship being fixed .... ah here he is the man that's going too tell me too stop kicking my console."

the Fitter looks puzzled at me " Kicking your Console that made no difference too the problem it was the link too your Chair that was worn out but its all fixed now" .

as i Raise from the Booth i thank the Fitter telling him if its as he says ill be back with more work for him then i depart the bard heading for Stromgren Hub.
I should get 400k for this Rank Mission plus what ever i can get too run back ,but lately all the out post i have landed on have had no commodity Markets so have had too use the Mission boarded's too get anywhere not complaining too much as it has given me the cash for the new Type 6 transporter which should help my fledgling business no end.
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︎7 Shiny!
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