Logbook entry

cold coffee, apologies and an uncertain future

31 Mar 2016IronWolfe
Borman colony, one of two outposts in the system that I have once again called "home". I never thought I'd be back here though, not after finally finding the ever so elusive painite. My ship had to be blown out from under me by a cutter several times before I accepted that I wasn't welcome. There's gold, osmium and ships I can actually survive against, so I suppose a living can be scratched out of the rocks here.

I recline in my chair and exhale heavily. Watching my breath freeze against the canopy, I drift off into reflecting on my career up to this point. So much has gone wrong, so many times and every time, my ship is the one that suffers. I don't care about myself, I mean nothing in the grand scheme of things when I think about it.

My ship on the other hand, that's a different story. Whenever we enter combat, she's the one that get's shot at. She's the one who's shield modulator fries from over loading and who's paint get's scratch and ripped away from munitions. She's also the one who's frame get's riddled with holes and shrapnel from missiles or yells in agony from exploding modules.

What rips my heart out every time is when she just floats there, barely a shadow of her former glory. Her mournful cries in the form of metal breaking and collapsing from after explosions. Then the auto eject kicks in and she propels me a safe distance away. The shiver in her hull and hiss of compressed gas being her last breath before saying farewell.

A ship and it's commander share a bond that no one can understand. In the black, all you have is each other and there is little room for error. Ultimately, I hope my next ship will hold up better despite being a long way off.
Here's hoping I'll catch a lucky break and be able to fast track my way there.
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