Cmdr SciPhi
Adventurer / Journalist
Registered ship name
Spirit Of Discovery
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer OTC-02
Overall assets
Olympus Trading Corp.

Logbook entry

The War against Winters Wolves

15 Jul 2021SciPhi
So I was originally one of Winters Wolves, a member of the Hai-Malistso and proudly so too.
The squadron was scattered and dying though, The Great Chief missing, presumed dead. I eventually went and found my own way in the Galaxy.
Then one day I received a long distance space comms from The Great Chief asking to help him rebuild the squadron and the Hai-Malistso, I eagerly agreed.
I took on the role of Ambassador and set about rebuilding the accords and relations between all the major players within our local area of the bubble, what I wasn't expecting was the backlash that followed.
"The Great Chief" had thrown out all the Commanders that had been keeping the Wolves ticking over as he didn't agree with the way that they had created bonds and ties with some of the local squadrons and had no control over some of the system he considered "his".
These actions were kept hidden from myself by Crosby and I was told that Olympic Trading Corporation had stolen certain systems from the Wolves and that I was to use the agreed accords from a treaty that had been signed some time previous to regain the systems from them.
Well being the dutiful ambassador and wanting well for the Wolves (and still being completely in the dark of the actions of Crosby) I went out and contacted all the Squadrons that had signed the accords previously and started trying to create diplomatic ties.
I was hit by a wall of hate. I didn't understand, and all I kept being told was that these squadrons were jealous of Winters Wolves position and their systems and they wanted them for their own and I was wasting my time, but they had to submit to the accords as they had signed them.
I started investigating as something didn't sit right and I finally got the full story of what had happened with the return of Crosby.
He had reappeared at the start of February 3307 and started making demands, the Council of Wolves (Winters Wolves leadership) tried to placate him and get on with it, but it didn't work and Crosby kicked everyone and wiped their Inara page of anything he deemed his through deceiving the administrator.
This left 150+ Commanders de-flagged and without a squadron that they worked extremely hard in keeping going. These Commanders when on to become The Phantom Sentinels.
I rejoined at the end of February 3307 and then started my diplomatic mission, and my subsequent investigation, all this time as I was viing for peace, He was scheming and undermining the squadrons that I was trying to gain trust with. At this point OTC caught on that Winters Wolves were fighting against everyones interests and declared war.
When I found out the duplicity, I tried to find a solution that would benefit everyone, and go a long way to placating the hurt and upset that he had caused and stop the war.
Unfortunately I was laughed at and was told that my colossal diplomatic effort was basically for nothing and that he had no intention of enacting my peace deal.
My position was untenable and I left for the void, turning my back on the poorly named "Great Chief" and the Wolves.
About a week into my self imposed exile, I was contacted by the Board members of OTC and said that if I wanted to keep in contact and chat anytime I was more than welcome. They liked how I conducted myself with them and the other squadrons, and didn't blame me for the instigation of the war.
Well I kept an open comms line with them and I eventually decided to throw my hat in with them and open the Exploration Division of OTC and am now an officer within their ranks.
I am helping with the War effort against the Winters Wolves and hopefully one day we will free the Malistso people from the tyranny of the Winters Wolves and their Despot Leader N.R.Crosby.
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