Cmdr SciPhi
Adventurer / Journalist
Registered ship name
Spirit Of Discovery
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer OTC-02
Overall assets
Olympus Trading Corp.

Logbook entry

The Tears of the Malistso

28 Jul 2021SciPhi
For many cycles I have scrimped and saved for my Fleet Carrier and now I have finally got it.
Its only fitting that it is called Tears of the Malistso as it is their tears that have spurred me on to help free them from the tyranny of Winters Wolves, It is their tears that give me drive and purpose and have stopped me from jetting off back into the void in search of the unknown.
Let it be known that I, Commander SciPhi will save the Malistso people and return 41 Lambda Hydrae to them and end N.R.Crosbys tyranny.
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