Logbook entry

LAST-FIRE MEM0 EG020.05.001

01 Jun 2020Last-Fire

  01 - Last-Fire Enterprise Mission Log Template
  From our humble beginnings Last-Fire Enterprises has prided ourselves on a commitment to excellence. The missions and tasks we have undertaken have broadened and changed through the years, but our dedication to providing clients with the very best results has remained the same.

  Our Training Solutions Division has witnessed unprecedented growth and has now come to a critical point. We are training new commanders at an ever-increasing rate and our current methodology of teaching personnel is struggling to scale with it. Our company’s initial success was due in large part to the quality time new commanders had observing and learning under veteran commanders. The breadth of knowledge that they were exposed to and the lessons obtained set these new commanders up for success in future endeavors. We have reached a point at which it is no longer feasible for every new commander to experience all the possible situations firsthand in a real-life setting.

  As such it is important that we develop a program which can effectively capture lessons learned from the real-world experiences across the entire spectrum of operations and communicate them to our new commanders.

  This document serves to initiate the development and implementation of our Mission Log System. Commanders will record significant situations and encounters and explain how they handled each event. These logs will then be used to create training scenarios for commanders who were not able to be present during the event. We hope that through the use of this system we can reach and train a larger number of individuals than ever before while still upholding the high standards that clients have come to expect. We will revise this program and make additional changes as necessary.

  As you complete missions, your full report will be due within 72 hours in the provided format. Please monitor your inboxes for my first mission report and follow the format provided.

    Ignis lucet in tenebris

  Elias Greene
  Last-Fire Enterprises
  Bernoulli Vision, Caeritis


Division Designation
Location: Region, Planet/Station, Outpost/Coordinates
Entry Type: CMDR Name

The report will be loosely structured in the following manner. It is not a requirement to have each of the described parts but inclusion of as many details as possible will lead to improved development of training scenarios that more closely mirror real-world situations commanders may find themselves in.

1) Introduction

2) Situation

3) Mission

4) Summary of Actions

5) Lessons Learned

6) Suggestions for future encounters

7) Conclusion

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