Logbook entry

The Divine Chronicles I

08 Jan 2019Divine Chronos
The Beginning

    After years of preparing myself for this, it's finally time. I don't pretend to say that I am the best or even come close to it. Today is a new start but it is not the beginning. My beginning came when a friend that goes by the name of Epsi introduced me to this wonderful game called Elite Dangerous, a world he painted for me where I could do whatever and be whoever I wanted to be. So after getting the game and being in a sidewinder for the first time, he tells me to head towards a system over 120 LY away. Something that at the time felt daunting. I remember seeing the galaxy map and feeling completely overwhelmed asking myself "How am I ever supposed to travel all this?" I remember watching my fuel gauge closely as I made every single jump as I always heard of friends yelling "Not again! I ran out of fuel!" Something I made my goal to try to never to happen to me, or at least I told myself it would never happen to me. So after getting to the system where my friend was, I was introduced to his very shiny looking FDL which I immediately wanted, but when I saw the price on the ship my heart sunk for a second until I realized that it was all very possible. But my question was how would I achieve this? Would I trade and make hundreds of millions buying and selling for maximum profit. Would I destroy wanted vessels until my trigger finger hurt or would I venture out into darkness, where no one CMDR ever went and tried my luck against the black hole that is space.

    After playing for some time in a wing called Spectre Squadron I felt a strong attraction to what PP was at the time and I decided to join Denton Patreus. Unfortunately, this at the time meant I would move over from an independent wing to a wing that was full on for the Empire. They were called PCA (Praetorian Curiate Assembly) Within their group, I was still somewhat alone due to being on Xbox but I just shrugged it off and kept helping Senator Denton Patreus weekly with my finances and efforts.  After maybe seven or more months I got burnt out of the game and dropped it. The good thing was I was paying a laborer 15 credits a week to clean my ships. Hopefully, he wasn't trying to sneak a joy ride in there.

    I made a small return where I met some pretty brave CMDR's, they called themselves Fusiliers, and I felt almost completely bonded to their cause. Not sure if this stemmed from real life values but I felt that it was only right to abandon my past and join a wing that would go head to head against the people that I once valued and aided. Within Newton's Fusiliers, the combat gene began to develop as most of these guys were some stone cold killers when it came to PvP and ganking. Being known as a group of griefers I had friends that questioned why I had joined a group such as them but my response was simple, "I believe in what they are fighting for." I didn't care who was good or who was bad. I was fighting for a cause. A cause that didn't have race, class, gender or color. A cause that was deeply rooted in my CMDR's lively values and morals. The most random thing happened while I was on this group of "misfits." Not only did I learn to understand them but came to appreciate what they were doing. They were so dedicated to their craft where percentages meant life and death. Where each ship modification was carefully planned and tested before going into battle.

     After playing on Xbox for years I decided to make the move over to PC thanks to a friend SpyrantSeven from my first wing called Spectre Squadron. He was actually my Wind Commander but more than that he was and has always been a friend where I can just talk to about anything and not just ED. Now it was in this wing where I learned the ropes, where I learned how to fend for myself and become part of a family. After being its Deputy Wing Commander for some time, and coming back some could say, "You know you will never be DWC again," or say "But there is nothing to move up to," and that is the most glorious thing of it all. I can fly free and enjoy my flight into deep space. I can carve a journey like none other.

    But I bet you want to know who Divine Chronos is, why is he so fascinated by wealth. What is behind is road to riches? Why does he covet being rich so much? What drives him? Did something happen in his past that made him this way? I mean what is a man to do with over six billion credits... You would think his dreams were of grandeur... or are they not?

    What I can say for now is before embarking on his journey, Divine Chronos heard a transmission from a man that said

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
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︎10 Shiny!
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