Logbook entry

Personal Log 22 March, 3307

22 Mar 2021Lord Setesh
Pleiades Sector IH-V c2-16 D 2, Lat: 5.19 Lon: 143.15

This afternoon while I was unloading my cargo at Parkinson Dock I was approached by one of the dock workers, he told me of a "treasure" on a planet in the Pleiades Sector and it would be worth my time to go find it.  I decided that I needed a distraction from hauling for a while and I figured that the other Commanders had it covered, so I set a course and headed out.  I haven't been out to the Pleiades Sector in some time and I seemed to remember it taking significantly more jumps to get out here, but I guess I have spent several years getting my Diamondback to have a high jump rang.  Upon arrival at Pleiades Sector IH-V c2-16 D 2 I did a surface scan hoping to find something to lock on to but all I could detect were geological sites, so I had to find the location the old fashioned way, the dock worker was not lying there was something here.  I am not sure what kind of ship this used to be, I have been unable to find the computer core, all I have found are a few cargo racks and a data recorder with a single log entry in it.  

------------CREW LOG------------
I know they said space travel is a lonely business,
but nothing prepares you for being totally alone like this.  
No comms, no ship.  
What I wouldn't give to hear another persons voice right now.

I have been unable to ascertain the name of the ship or the name of the crew member that left the log entry. It must have been an awful way to die, alone.
The one thing that bothers me, is that the crash happened only 90km south east of TII Research Facility. The terrain is relatively flat and I find it hard to believe that no one noticed it, but I guess I will never know.
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