Time Flies When Having Fun
06 Mar 2017Magnudius
Nudo tossed her duffel onto the floor and took in a deep breath. She was home! The perk of becoming a prestigious CQC player is perpetual free housing at Attilius Orbital; and with a quick stop in Jameson Memorial after becoming an Elite Explorer, Nudo knew that Attilius Orbital would always be her home. Jameson Memorial is way too crowded for Nudo's tastes (and frankly the quality of living is better at Attilius Orbital). At this moment, it was hard for Nudo to grasp that a year had gone by. It's crazy how making a few friends can quickly alter the future outlook. After failing to get back into CQC after her SDC Rare Goods quest, Nudo had floundered about the galaxy in search of purpose. With a quick trade here and an attempt at combat there, Nudo took a chance on an ideal and met the friends that would shape her life: CMDRs Tal Aldris, Boogyman, and Balshatzar. Before really any of them expected, le Lei Zi Louts wing found themselves out exploring.
After a planned trip to Spongy, and mission trip to the Conflux, to suddenly head out to the Core and back, all within less then 365 days--who would have thought? How many moments of time were lost in the hyperspace of jumps? Nudo balked at the thought. The journal logs from the Dynasty Expedition were certainly harrowing, and it was a sign she had been out in the deep black for too long if she was also thinking those thoughts. Lots of R&R was certainly on the agenda to counteract some of the same (hopefully) hallucinations the members of the expedition also saw.
As Nudo kicked off her boots and stretched out onto bed, her comms rang. "Ugh!" Nudo sighed aloud. It was times like these that made her miss the lone wolf lifestyle she had been maintaining up to 8 months ago. With a puff of effort, Nudo got up to answer the call because, ultimately, it was the connections through a community that gave life flavor, and life's too short to miss out on any opportunity. With this call, a whole new journey may start.