Logbook entry

The Struggles

06 Jan 2020DrPillman
Another day, another fight.

The Workers are struggling. Hardly any profitable trade missions, mainly  assassinations and combat contracts. An aggressive corporation is again threatening an outpost.
But alas, what good is a freighter there? Good thing the Brewery and the Alliance Office of statistics needed some serious hauling, so we leeched the creds to buy us some hardware.
Then the politics started: Sent to an outpost: "Go, have a look! Guys are hanging out there, may be up to something..." Damn Need-to-know.....There was a Mafia fighter lurching in the companies backyard....As if the Gateway Workers didn´t know! That recon mission was a covert assassination contract, and me none the wiser! Damn it. Vicious Viper kept circling in the stations fire range. So Indaol Mafia and Indaol Corps are new best buddies, now? Figures. I lost some feathers, barely made it out, and legged it. Pff, screw compensations, let Ms Martinez slap some faces if she feels like it.
Refurbished what was left of my fine new Vulture, grabbed a comrade, and off we went to good old honest combat.  A Crusader on its own is no match to a wing of Vultures, it seems... ;-) Ah, the sound when the multicannon cuts lose and you see armor plating dispersing in the void....
Shot us some birds, puffed our reputation, won some skirmishes, and made a fine penny in bounties on the side. Not to bad at all.
Ran some intel around. Good to know there are friendly factions around that help us. Liberal parties, social-democrat cooperatives, even the odd communist, although, frankly, I don´t trust those guys further than I can throw them. But the enemy of my enemy, bahbahbah, got a decent compensation for the delivery, including tips. So? Finally I collected some black boxes that got lost in the war. Some legit, some not so. What do I care?   Enemy flight logs might well reveal important information. Come on, it´s for the workers, for democracy! Who wouldn´t relax their morals here, hm?
Then the fun part: A stray Imperial was in Gateway. I say: "was"...;-) hehee, highest price on my head so far....Apparently, the sight of me with an apple in my mouth and parsley in my ears is worth 11 000cr to Zamina Torval. A comforting thought.
P.S.: Yes, the fully loaded Python CAN escape an Anaconda from refuelling in a stars corona....but just so.....phew, that was a close call on my way home....

My new bird, the Vulture made me proud today. Lise did fine. Remind me to reward her with a power upgrade....
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