Logbook entry


07 Jan 2020DrPillman
So maybe the Workers had no clue about the mob, after all.
But they were quick to react.
I was dispatched to deal with them today. Only to gladly......
They proved surprisingly hard to find. After slaughtering a convoy of their heavy hitters, I got word the mobster-in-chief was on the run. So there was the chance to solve the problem once and for all. I hope a drifting cloud of debris will be the last trace of the Indaol Mafia ever.
I could boast it was a milkrun, that Katharina and Lise could handle it (I was surprised how well the Diamondback stood up against multiple bullies), but truth be told, the recent fighting seems to get to me in the end. It took me 2 full loops to get to the mailslot of New Chernobyl. Maybe I was a little more shaken than I like to admit to myself. Maybe I should find a quiet mining spot for some time.
Well, with the outpost defended and the mob dealt with, trade seems to recover slowly. Maybe....

P.S.: Ada is amazing. A miracle what this vessel can escape even if burdened down with 296t of generators and kitchen utensils.
I have to see after the autolander though. It pops these weird error messages in the least convenient moments...
"status 05: wrong answer from telemetry system. Sent: K, receive: G"
The heck does that even mean?
The coffee-stained wreck of a manual that came with it only states that in case of status 05, I am to refer to chapter 9, which reads: "to be continued in future updates, march 3296".  Thank you so very much.
Maybe buying it in a bar at 2 am, and installing it myself the next morning wasn´t the brightest idea.
I found a workaround of sorts, though: manually reboot it as soon as I was assigned a landing pad. It kind of works if done lightning fast (I am getting good at finding the buttons in a dark cockpit...), but keeps banging me onto the mailslot edges, then. I suspect, after reboot it resumes from the last coordinates before switching off, and doesn´t query telemetry again (hence no error), but of course the vessel drifts a couple metres in between, so the glide path is slightly off. *sigh* seems I have to find Nimble, ask if he may have a look at it.
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