Logbook entry

employee of the month

20 Feb 2020DrPillman
Yuri Grom sent a special agent after me, or, rather after the paperwork I was bringing back to Gateway. He really seems to want Lugh.
Anyway. I got Florence, and I am not afraid to use her.
We are really starting to work as one.  Radio tease came in, and she was out of the 2nd officer´s seat without a fuss. I I rolled over to have the agent between us and the star (can as well use him as additional heat shield...) while she, calm, composed and professional on the radio, quick and efficient on the stick, climbed to overwatch position. He opened up, I tracked him with a beam laser while she got into his six, shredded his shields and pushed him into my kill zone.  Easy as. She even took out his FSD first, to make sure we do get the bounty for our efforts.
Repair bill: zero.
That was not a fake resumee she produced when we first met. I really got myself a pro for hire. Plus she´s funny on long, boring hauls.
That getaway ramen across the corridor of the crew lounge in Farack seems to have been my best investment so far.
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︎0 Shiny!
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