Logbook entry

Duty Report to Alliance Defence Force; CC: Aide Nataly Martinez, Workers of Gateway for Equality

06 Apr 2020DrPillman
After action report

3306-4-06, system: Hooriayan. +350ls outside Davis Port

Earlier this day, an urgent Alliance transport of 132t of survival equipment headed for Davis Port, Hooriayan system,  was attacked in rapid succession by 3 insurgent Fer-de-Lance combat vessels. ~350ls  outside Davis Port, Hooriayan system.
Thanks to the quick and determined reaction of both crew and local Allied Police Forces, all ensuing firefights were won by Allied forces very quickly,  very decisively, and very violently.
It wasn´t nice.
No allied casualties were to be reported, and timely delivery of vital goods in full was achieved

Ms Strong´s vessel can be seen  in centre image, just to the upper left of the attacker, behind the laser beams of a supporting Allied Police  F63Condor

Formal recommendation

It is both my honour and obligation, to recommend private security contractor,  flight leader Aegis Ms NPC Florence Strong for the Allied Silver Triskele on grounds of her exemplary combat conduct and exceptional display of valor in the face of strong adversary and deadly peril, far exceeding the expectations and obligations of her contract.
During 5 occasions on a single tour, including the aforementioned incident, Ms Strong solitarily engaged incoming enemy vessels in her Taipan Aegis F ship launched fighter, despite being considerably outgunned and out armored, and, continously staying in the attacking enemies range of fire, succeeded in binding both the enemies attention and power capacity, as well as achieving a considerable reduction in enemy shield strength, until allied support forces could be brought up, at which point she continued to aggressively pursue the attackers, negating their ability to retreat from the engagement, until justice could be restored by use of force.
Having lost her SLF on one occasion during the engagement, Ms Strong immediately reentered the engagement in a replacement vessel to continue her activities, and did not hesitate to apply the same effective tactics in a following incident, ensuing mere minutes after redocking.
It is my strong opinion, that the Alliance owes recognition to Ms Florence Strong for her continued outstanding dedication to the cause of the Alliance, and the wellbeing of its inhabitants.

signed: CMDR DrPillman, Gleichster Genosse, Your Friendly Neighborhood Union.
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