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If there’s anything Uncle Jim can do. Part 2.

29 Nov 2021Wulthus
-"J.B. Threepwood, well... it's been a while." Roberto said, as he aproached the desk, giving out a quick smile at the end. The man did his best to make impression of being at ease. However, J.B., having dealt with many dangerous men many times before, he could easily see trough the act Roberto tried to pull. His subtle expressions betrayed frustration, if not outright anger. Something was off.

-"I Hope that you didn't expect me to arrive without a proper gift." Saying this, Roberto placed the box on the desk, and opened it. Inside rested a bottle of liquor, a Gin, made by one of many brewhouses of his homeworld. The product was pricey, but not of the highest price. A gift of taste, rather than of opulence. Contrary to his previous benefactor, Roberto never lived enclosed in the bubble of the high social strata and knew that the astronomical bills do not allways go in pair with astronomical quality.

-"Will that be absolutely necessary?" He added, whilst nodding his head at the two unpleasant types standing by the entrance.

JB was surprised to see Falcone, he’d been expecting La Arditezza’s boss, Saverio, he usually attended their meetings in person… but JB had worked with Roberto Falcone several times and things had always gone smoothly.

JB took the box from Falcone and nodded in thanks. He gave the bottle a quick glance. It was a nice brand that he’d tried before… nice enough that he’d put in his private bar aboard The Cuckoo rather than just firing down his throat from a hip flask. JB patted Falcone’s shoulder as he turned to face the empty table by the large window;

“Sorry, mate,” JB had to concede, “Fuck all I can do about those two… they’re with the Big House, not our boys.”

The two guards, even though out of earshot, could tell by JB and Falcone’s gesturing that they were been spoken about and turned their gaze down to their monitors.

“Always good to see you, Roberto,” JB stated as he gestured to one of the chairs for Falcone to take a seat, “… I was expecting Saverio to turn up for this one… the gaffer busy?”

Hearing J.B.'s explenation, Roberto simply nodded in understanding, and returned his gaze back to J.B., but not before taking a last, good look at the guards. The man visibly clenched his teeth upon hearing Saverio's name mentioned.

-"You will not be seeing Da Carrara ever again. Mister Threepwood. From now on, any deals you have with our organisation, will come trough me." Delivering his short speech, Falcone dropped the act completely. His stare was now dead cold, just like his voice.

Just a moment later, he disorderly dropped onto his chair, overwhelmed by his thoughts, and unceremoniously lighted up a cigarette.

-"Best we all forget that knob ever existed..."

JB nodded as Roberto glossed over the departure of his former boss. Saverio Da Carrara had been a trusted partner for a long while. Even though JB knew Roberto Falcone to be trustworthy, in fact much more trustworthy than Saverio, “better the devil you know” was a reliable maxim to use in bubble politics… even in the quiet little backwaters that Jamaica Inn swam in.

JB fought the urge to enquire more, at least for now… Falcone obviously didn’t want to talk more on the subject so JB would have to rely on his contacts to find out what had gone down within La Arditezza later on.

Although he was very much drawn to stupid actions, JB wasn’t a stupid man. He quickly added up the situation… Saverio was out… Falcone was holding the reigns… Arditezza was calling in favours…
There had obviously been some sort of coup and Falcone was regrowing an army… hence looking to retrieve gang mates from this prison. At least that’s how JB had weighed up the situation in the time it took him to take his seat opposite Falcone.

-“So,” JB began as he sat opposite Falcone, “I guess congratulations are in order for your promotion… I take it all our previous deals are still in place?”

-"I guess..." Roberto replied apathetically. The man got so fixated on fixing the mess made by his predecessor, he never really took a chance to stop and think about his position. Yes, It was true that in the peak of events he fled his homeworld to save his sorry skin, but then again who wouldn't? Those who did are the ones still alive. Ugly truth is that, ultimately, that's all that matters. He was the one to step up, roll up his sleeves and deal with the seemingly impossible situation at hand. It seems like the succession lines were obvious even to the outsiders. He was now the leader of the disgraced house. On top of that, given that the outsiders were still willing to deal with them, La Arditezza may have some future ahead afterall...

-"I will be twice the Don Da Carrara ever was." He mumbled, more to himself than to his interlocutor.

~ by Wulthus, J.B.Threepwood
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