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If there’s anything Uncle Jim can do. Part 3.

30 Nov 2021Wulthus
-"The deals are in place, but I'm afraid we might not deliver." Roberto continued, after getting his compolsure. "Da Carrara and Appiani feuded. Baron didn't come out of it alive. Things got heated. Da Carrara conveniently disappeares, and then, imperial services storm the place." Roberto paused here for a moment, collecting his thoughts. His mood soured.

-"My men are being hunted. Hanged on a piece of rug. They parade their bodies like it's carnival... verdict read by the same stuffed up piece of shit that knighted them." He shook his head in disbelief, smiled ironicly and took a big, long smoke.

-"It's a clusterfuck out there, J.B." He continued. "Arexack is off limits. Gone. Dead. No production. No distribution. We need to lay low, until ... something ... some fucking miracle happends."

JB nodded once more, processing what had been said. Jamaica Inn Movement paid their debts, regardless of what had happened to Saverio Da Carrara, the debt was to La Arditezza as a whole… JB’d still see the prisoner released to Falcone.

The conman in JB could smell blood in the water… it’s a terrible way to look at others’ hardships but that’s why Jamaica Inn left these political dealings to him. Falcone and La Arditezza were obviously in a terrible state… for now. JB knew from experience that fortunes could change with the turning of a card. Having Falcone owing him favours now was much more palatable than having to creep for business once he’d got back on his feet;

-“Don’t worry about supplies, mate,” JB began, dismissing the problem with a brushing gesture with one hand, “If they’re hunting your members then it makes sense to get your boy out of The Kitchen… I’ve had the displeasure of their hospitality in the past, he’d have been a sitting duck down there.”

JB could see from the window, in the far distance, the specks of ships coming from the prison planet below. It would be the prisoner aboard a dropship with it’s protective wing bringing it to the outpost.

-“If there’s anything Uncle Jim can do,” JB continued, “just ask. We’ve got enough ships and capable pilots to move your crew around undetected… it’s what we do best, after all?”

-"First, our boy..." Roberto paused to take a more comfortable position in his chair, clearly contented after hearing J.B.'s shallow assurances. Others might have simply dismissed his words as over-confidence. Falcone however, having the pleasure of working alongside the Jimies before, learned well never to underestimate resourcefulness of Threepwood and his organisation. For the movement, being underestimated was allways a part of the plan.

~ By Wulthus, J.B.Threepwood
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