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If there’s anything Uncle Jim can do. Part 4.

30 Nov 2021Wulthus
-"Actually, there's something Uncle Jim could do for us, with regards to the convict. As much as hospitality in that wreck is ... well ... sub-par at best, still there's at least two tonnes of steel and a dozen pieces of hardware between him and the open..."

The man leaned closer, and looked his interlocutor directly in the eye, trying to read weather his carefull words were well understood by the other party.

-"I need him to stay there. Safe. Untouched. If he gets out right now, I guaranteee to you that in twenty-four hours he will end up in a ditch somewhere. I don't need that. Doable?"

JB smiled, gave a gentle shrug then leant back in his chair.

-“More than doable, mate. If you believe that place is the safest place for him then I’ll send a message out and get the ship turned around.”

If things were as bad for La Arditezza as Falcone had described then JB didn’t have much faith in The Kitchen being a safe place. As the prison was left to run itself autonomously away from his organisation, their control over singular convicts was a little out of his reach. Although he wouldn’t want to admit it to Falcone, the best JB could hope for is that they’d take the prisoner out of Gen-Pop… at worse he’d spend his time in solitary until he was released.

Falcone still seemed quite guarded… maybe he didn’t want to run up too many debts… but this was how Jamaica Inn had ended up owing Arditezza in the first place. These little dances, a favour here and a favour there, it’s how bubble politics moved along. It might leave a sour taste at times but it’s better than going it alone.

JB was a little furious that his contacts around Arexack hadn’t let him know about Saverio leaving his outfit high-and-dry. He liked to have all the bases covered when entering these kinds of meetings. Hearing that a lot of La Arditezza had been taken out was sad news indeed… he’d dealt with most of the gang personally and they got on well with his own organisation. If things were that bad, JB wondered why Falcone would stick his head up just to ask JB to keep a prisoner in his cell… he figured there must be more to this meeting;

-“It’s always nice to have these little chats, Roberto,” JB said as he took a comms unit from his pocket and placed it on the table, ready to send the convict back, “but I’m guessing there’s more we can do for you? When La Arditezza and Uncle Jim made the Allegiance Pact it’s for better times and worse, brother. If you need our help, don’t let your pride stop you from asking. You know me, Roberto, and pride doesn’t put food on the table.”

Roberto shook his head.

-"It doesn't, but it's better to die of starvation than to soil all over youself and your familly..."

The man straightened his posture and joined his hands.

-"I figured we have two options. One: we spread out, keep our heads down, and, maybe, in a few months we may or may not get our shit together and, maybe, do business as usuall. Now you probably see the problem with that brilliant sollution, if not, I'll clue you in. Fuckton of "maybes" on every step..."

Roberto briefly looked down, and shook his head again.

-"Now, option two. We roll with the crew three-hundredth light-years away from any ISF, IED or bloody KCOI operatives. My men stay together, keep sharp, word gets out that La Arditezza isn't dead, but still kicking. The storm calms. Business as usuall. So far, I know only one reliable outfit ticking all the boxes..."

Saying this, Roberto pointed his open hand towards J.B., in a presenting manner.

-"Our name doesn't ring any bells in this sector. We'll need you to vouch for us. I didn't come here to beg for charity... However, in our current situation it's easier for us to offer our services, rather than assets. I'm pretty confident that you have a situation on your hands that could use gentle care..."

Again, Roberto looked J.B. in the eyes inquisitively.

-"... Like Lambur?"

~ By Wulthus, J.B.Threepwood
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