The Federation is confusing sometimes...
20 Apr 2020CoveryFire
So I decided to work on my Federation rank today. I was looking at the mission board and seen a few assassination missions. I thought what the heck I can work on rank and up my combat stats at the same time. So I head out in my Anaconda because if I am going to kill some pirate scumbags might as well do it in the comfort of a flying football field. Went ahead and slapped a new bright yellow paint job on her. Because nothing says you suck at life like getting killed by a big bright banna. Picked up my crew new crewmember because I had to release my last one. Did not really want to but she was taking 10% of my profit can't have that when grinding out 5,000,000,000 in LDT. Really a harmless fighter pilot is just a meat puppet that takes some of the incoming fire. Actually he did really well I might keep this one for a while he finished off a Adder for me when I took on a wing of 3, but I am getting a head of myself. So jump into system and hunt down my query easy enough half dozen kills. Got into the habit of kill warrant scanning just to make some extra coin might as well right. This here is where things start to go pear shaped mentally. I run back into the local station to do any repairs and reload my ammo stores, cash in any sytem bonds so far so good. I am like lets see what other missions I can do here.
I don't really care that much about individual factions not a political guy someone is always pissed at someone else. Yata yata yata what ever. So scrolling down see this system is in conflict, ok cool more combat experience. So I get to looking and the factions at war are both federation... Not that it matters to me but what the heck is going on...
Think about this for just a minute I am gaining Federation reputation and rank for killing federation members. Tell me this is not jacked up, how is this sustainable? Any way so I pick a side came down who would give me more reputation. I am going for rank after all. Back to the story so I jump into conflict zone and dive into the hornets nest. I am not sure what is worse me collecting on the vouchers with no guilt or the Federation promoting me for killing fellow federation members. Maybe we are both a little sick. I am considering it mental training for when I start hauling slaves for the Empire...