Logbook entry

When the war comes home

15 Jan 2020Mythyc
There is no place like home as the saying goes but when you are wondering the stars it takes more than just clicking your heals together to get back there. Being gone for many months wondering the stars, I decided it was time to return home. The the base that was my first kicking off point outside of civilized space, the place that was my retreat from the griefers and the trolls, where it was rare to run across other pilots and even the pirates were few and far between. The place where I keep my beloved ships, the few I had left after deciding it was time to start over. But home was not what I had left.

  Out near the edge of civilized space is that system. Twin stars a class B giant and a class F dwarf with a few planets orbiting them. And orbiting one of those planets is a station, my home, Cylenne Orbital. As I jumped into the the system after visiting my old friend, the Maia black hole, I saw that "home" had been damaged. Maybe I'm getting what I deserved for not paying attention to what was going on in the universe and ignoring the galnet articles. As I fly the 12k Ls that it takes to get from the star to the station, I already see the differences. The normal quiet route is littered with unknown signals, then you pass the rescue ship, but nothing prepares you for when your FSD shuts down and you see home burning.

  But eventually the Thargoid will be driven back and Cylenne will be rebuilt and will become my home once again. But until the day comes that me and my ships relocate to that base ARC's Faith will be my temporary home. And while I'll be waiting for that day, I'll also be contemplating how close to home those news articles I ignored were. The Thargoid have to be stopped and driven away from human space, so that others wont have to return home to a wreck they'll barely recognize.
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