Logbook entry


21 Jan 2020Mythyc
After a rough turn of luck I walked away from the stars. Got rid of everything I had and said enough. But the stars called to me until I finally decided to answer. So I started over with just 1k credits and a loaned Sidewinder. A long ways away from running around the galaxy in either my Mamba, Type 7, or my Diamondback Explorer. But this time I want everything. To own every ship in the game (well except the Cobra Mk 4) and to once again treat the galaxy as my personal playground. But I'm a long way from that point. Earning my way up to the Imperial Eagle, I decided to go visit my old base, Cyllenne Orbital only to find it burning and badly damaged in a thargoid attack. So I turned back in setting myself up for a little while in the EBOR system earning credits and trying not to get eaten in the smaller ship I was running. But then the urge to wander hit me again so I made my way to Sol, the birthplace from humanity and from where it all started. Mars High is my new temporary base of operation while I again earn credits and work my way up still. Still hoping to one day again return back to Cyllenne and help rebuild. So now I'm a courier, running data and small amounts of cargo upgrading my ship then buying new ones and still enjoying flying by earth on my way to mu current home. The black is calling to me but I cant answer that call yet. So if you see a Diamondback Scout blasting by you on full thrusters, dont worry, I'm just trying to make sure I get my time bonus, and say hey its always nice to meet people with manners. Just remember to have fun because you could always be stuck on the ground.
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