Logbook entry

The black calls its time to answer.

10 Jan 2020Mythyc
After quite a bit of time with my feet on the ground, I miss space. The credits I had saved are long gone as are the ships. Allow with a wedding that was suppose to happen but didn't and a life I had planned that went to hell. So I've decided to answer the itch, I mean scratch the call. Well you know what I mean. I'm gonna get a hold of the Pilots Federation and see if I can get a loner to get started again. This planet no longer is the place for me. Its her place this house is filled with memories of her. its time to get my freedom back and my sanity. So if you're reading this then maybe you'll want to share my journey with meA little older and hopefully a lot wiser then I was before. Its time for new adventures. And I'll keep you posted. Safe journeys people
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