Logbook entry

Caught Up

07 Apr 2020Mythyc
You know they say time flies when you are having fun. Well this is true. I've been doing so much Exploring, fighting, mining and trading that's I've neglected my logs. I took my first trip out of the bubble, not far only about 800ly. I had to go visit the star I use to stare at as a child. If there was anywhere that I would go, that had to be my first. took me 300 jumps going out and less than 30 coming back. Mostly just because I wanted to scan as much as I could on the way out. I almost seems wrong to get paid so well to have fun. and I have been getting paid. Enough that I now own a small fleet of ships to do just about any kind of mission that I want to do. Now I', setting my sights on one of those carriers. Guess I'll be doing a lot of trading and and mining. I'll see yall out there.
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