Cmdr Misaniovent
Patreus sentinel / Diplomat
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PCG Har Megiddo
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Python PCA-02
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Praetorian Curiate Assembly
Denton Patreus

Logbook entry

Nine Nayan News' interview with Marshall Baronet Wreyn Kaira

13 Oct 2018Misaniovent
Thank you to Cernig for being Olivia Abott.

A small camera drone moves through a busy station tinged in a verdant green; it is Markov Hub in HR 7766. The drone briefly pans across busy dockworkers and the station's hydroponics before focusing on a the graceful lines of an Imperial Cutter, the PLV Invicta. The scene shifts and viewers are greeted by two faces, both familiar to any citizen of the region, whether Federal or Imperial. Though headquartered on Celsius in SPOCS 900, Nine Nayan News is an ever-present network available in every system within 30 light years.

A young woman whose dress marks her as somewhere between the Empire and the Federation sits in a fine leather chair. The room is cleanly elegant, marked with design elements that mark it as clearly Gutamaya. Across from her is Baronet Wreyn Kaira. He wears a suit befitting an Imperial noble, a white paisley brocade, and carries a fine Imperial sabre, its hilt a grey-blue marble dotted with tiny specks of gold that move across its surface.

Olivia Abott, the reporter whose dress blends superpower sensibilities, begins: "This is Nine Nayan News, your voice for your region. Today we are visiting Praetorian Curiate Assembly Marshall Baronet Wreyn Kaira on his flagship, the PLV Invicta…Baronet Kaira, thank you for agreeing to talk to us."

The Baronet gives a polite smile and a slight nod. "Of course."

"I think we'll just plunge in tonight with the question on everyone's lips. Are we going to see a Federation Ascendancy in one of the PCA's newest system rescue attempts, in HR 7766?"

Wreyn shifts as if to carefully consider the question.
"It would be a lie for me to tell you that Senator Torval's situation is not dire. It may be necessary for her to withdraw her responsibility from the region. But the trip from SPOCS 900 is short, and Duke Rowe's relationship with Gold Comms is strong. Patreus' interests in the wider region remains strong, and the Empire's independent ally, the Euryale Gaia Union, remains active and supportive. HR 7766 will remain Imperial."

"That's a good commitment to hear, Baronet, especially in the light of the assassination of Curia Erwan Jodoc, which some said had eroded the public's trust in the PCA somewhat. Obviously, I have to ask, what about Yalura?"

The young Imperial combines his hands and sets them on his knee with a sigh.
"The loss of Curia Jodoc weighs heavily on all of us — Patrician Bishop and I agreed that the security of our citizens and the recovery of the Assembly's honor should be our priority, despite our offices in Yalura opening within hours of his death. But with our war against President Elin and her assassins complete, I can say that our presence in Yalura is significant, and that we trust that Yalura's great families will join their might to ours and the Empire's. Negotiations on this matter are already underway."

"It is rumored that many key members of the PCA are also members of a shadow cabinet within the Patreus faction, working to further the Senator's aims by unorthodox means in an entirely deniable way. What would you say to that?"

At this question, Wreyn looks quizzically at Abott in a brief moment of surprise and interest. "Duke Rowe has been working closely with Senator Patreus since 3288. His Rowe Corporation would never have become the Praetorian Curiate Assembly without the full support of our Senator. I have always been open about my experience working as an Aide to Senator Patreus, and I have represented his interests to governments across the Empire and beyond and continue to do so in my capacity as Marshall for the Praetorian Curiate Assembly. Indeed, I was in a meeting with the Paesi Empire Consulate on the Senator's business when I heard the news that Leader Jodoc had died, and that Jack — excuse me, Knight Cernig-Dix — had been shot."

Both Olivia Abott and Wreyn Kaira pause for a moment to consider the loss of Erwan Jodoc and the recovery of Knight Jack Cernig-Dix.

Abott, barely perceptibly, clears her throat. "It sounds like the PCA isn't going to tie its fortunes to Senator Torval any more than it has to, and is still strongly supportive of Senator Patreus. It has, however, recently expanded its interests into two new systems. That leads analysts to pose two questions: is it over-reaching and if not, then what are its greater aspirations in the region?"

Kaira squares his shoulders. "We fully support Senator Torval and trust that, should she recover stable control of Regira, her relationship with Duke Rowe will remain strong. Duke Rowe and his Assembly are committed to intelligent, intentional growth. Providing security and expanding the Empire is never over-reach."

"So the Praetorian Curiate Assembly will be supporting Senator Torval, looking to grow and provide security. Thank you, Baronet Kaira."

The Baronet nods again to close the interview, and through the dimming scene he rises to shake hands with Olivia Abott. They continue to speak as the camera drone retakes the scene, showing the end of the interview from outside a window of the Cutter's lounge.
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