Logbook entry

The unknown Knowledge

23 Mar 2022Mikhail Fedotov
After days of travelling alone through space, everything just felt empty. Loneliness slowly entered my ship as I just jumped from system to system.
The days became slower and slower and boring... till then.

My ship picked up an unknown distress signal coming from a planet. I wasn't sure if I should respond to it; danger is always lurking in space. On the other hand, leaving would make me feel guilty. What if the distress signal was from someone?

After 5 minutes of deep thinking, I just couldn't ignore the signal.
I started to plot my course towards the planet, where the signal was, this took around the 4 minutes.

As my ship slowly entered orbital glide, my thoughts went crazy. I had no idea what I could expect down there.
After the glide, I arrived at a weird looking and empty base. A green fog was surrounding the base.
Is this even normal? Is it safe? Are there still people? All those questions repeated in my head.

I landed my ship just next of the base and got out. My AI immediately warned me about the high temperature, but I didn't care, I had to find if there were still people here.

The weird green fog made the base quite mysterious, and after a short scan, my AI told me it was abandoned.

Then, what could have made this distress signal? I thought and inspected the area.
After some walking, I noticed the green stuff on the ground.
It was very weird looking, something I had never seen before.
I pulled out my sampling gun and aimed it at the green stuff, but no results...

I ran more scans but nothing. It felt bad I couldn't find anyone. Was I too late? Maybe it was false information? What if it was a trap? One thing was sure: the base was abandoned, damage on the buildings, the people must have been scared...

After an hour with no results, I decided to get back to my ship.

The engines started, and I took off while I was still struggling with my thoughts.

But, I could make one decision: space is full of mysteries, there is stuff way beyond our knowledge, good or bad...

End of Part 1, to be continued......

Note that this is an own created story with an own twist. I do not try to follow any of Elite's lore.
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