Logbook entry


25 Mar 2022Mikhail Fedotov
Two days later after after my visit to the abandoned base, something strange happened...

Again, my ship picked up a weird, unknown signal, but with voices!
The voices were vague, and I couldn't really make out what the voices were saying, but there was one word which immediately caught my attention: 'HELP.'

My curiosity took over, and I decided to fly my ship towards the given coordinates of the distress call...

Once arrived, I was in shock from what I saw, a crashed ship with ejected cargo, and once again that weird, green glow.

I did an inspection round with zero results. The cargo was not something important, just basic supplies, but then the life pod caught my attention.
I swallowed deep. I wasn't sure if I should check up on the life pod; what if it was a trap?
No, I couldn't just walk away; that would make me a bad person...

With slow but big steps, I walked up to the life pod. The glass was a bit foggy, but I could clearly see that it was empty.
Now, so many questions again: How did this end up here? And why did this ejected?

For more answers, I decided to run a scan, even though it was all against my will.
Once I scanned the pod, I found flight log and an audio log, and that was the most scariest audio I have ever heard in my whole life...

Once playing, my whole body got a weird shiver as I heard the voice. It was almost a scream, a scream in panic, as if he was being haunted.

With a little bit of shaking hands, I keep listening to the audio, but the most disturbing thing was the ending. At the ending of the audio, you could clearly hear the screamings, some loud, unknown, and weird noises, a fall, and then the audio stopped abruptly.

Now, I was shaking even more. I heard how those people were in danger and couldn't manage to escape. But what actually happened? How did they disappear?

I grabbed my sampler and scanned the green slime on the ground, taking the sample with me.

I took a deep breath and looked at the sampler.
"A new journey will start.", I remember whispering to myself.
Because now, with this sample, I will start to scan every planet where the crashed ship has been.

I needed answers! This might could have been a new era for humans, maybe for our own advantages, but I was more afraid for the darker side: to warn humanity about this unknown power....

End of Part 2, to be continued.....

Note that this is just an own created story with an own twist! I do not try to follow Elite's lore!
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