Logbook entry


25 Apr 2022Mikhail Fedotov
Long, very long days and yet no new answers. It was a dead end and I was at the point of giving up.

Something felt off, like, if the unknown knew I was looking for them. Feeling like they were sending me to wrong directions.
It felt hopeless.

Three weeks of just traveling, finding the will of motivation and boredom, a new signal appeared.
I immediately woke up from my thoughts and selected the signal.

Again, it was a distress signal and with some weird codes in it. I ran a scan and my AI managed to decode it; the signal was coming from a planet 172.000 light seconds away.

We are really going to do this, again? I let out a big sigh but I just couldn't ignore the distress signal. What if it was really someone who was in danger? I would be a criminal if I would let that person die!

After twenty minutes of traveling I finally arrived at the earth-like planet. Once landed my eyes popped out of my head; it was beautiful! The place was covered with forests, a lot of plants, rocks, a small river crossing the forest which gave the sound of streaming water.
This almost felt like unreal.

I took a deep breath of the fresh air and closed my eyes, I never felt so much peace at one place. I opened my eyes and started to focus again, I was not here for a vacation, but to rescue someone.

I looked at my compass and started to walk south. My indicator was blinking faster and faster when I got closer to a wall.
What is so special about here? I looked again and saw a big cave. This didn't feel right because who ever knows what is hiding in there?

Slowly, I walked towards the entrance and shined my flashlight inside. I didn't find much but I saw a tunnel. No, I am not going to do that, that risk is way too high.

But, when I turned around to walk away, a loud scream came out of the tunnel.
This jump scared me and I grabbed my rifle, aiming it at the tunnel.
I took a deep breath to man myself, the scream I just heard asked for help, someone needed help!
My adrenaline was rushing trough my body and I made my way in.

The cave was cold and very humid. I could hear all kind of insects crawling against the walls, which gave me shivers.
I would have never entered this cave if I didn't hear that scream but it's all silent again. I had the feeling someone was watching me, it was giving me the creeps.

Then, it became all silent, even the insects stopped moving. This was even more scary and I felt really cold. I had to leave, as soon as possible but not without finding the person first.I decided to call the person, asking if he was nearby but no answers.

For a moment I stood still, at the point to turn around to make way back to my ship.
Once I made one step, I heard whispers and a voice, the same voice which screamed for help.

Now I had to make a decision, keep looking for the person and have a chance to get lost, or, leave and find my way back, but not be able to help that person.
Again, the feeling of guilt entered my body. Leaving someone behind would make feel a bad person, I would be part of his death.

I made fists and took a deep breath. I couldn't give up now, not when being so close. With big steps and my rifle shouldered I walked trough the tunnels, following the voice.

How deeper I went into the tunnel, how rougher the terrain. Water was coming till my knees know and the streaming made it heavier to move forward.
Then, a big wall, from around the 3 meters, blocked my path. I inspected it and some rocks were sticking out, giving me the opportunity to climb.
With all my strength I dragged myself up, scratching my suit and equipment.

After the heavy climb I dropped myself on the cold and wet floor, I was exhausted.
I controlled my breathing and pushed myself up and then, I saw something I have never seen before...

It was a big and open cave, there was a pool of water and the walls were covered with beautiful, blue shining lights.I took a better look and noticed they were crystals. How closer I got, how brighter they were shining.
This was incredible! With a weak smile I looked at the crystals, appreciating the beauty of this place.

Then I felt a breeze, it felt warm and comfortable, but, from where was this coming? I looked around and saw huge shadowed object inside the walls.

I walked closer and closer and the shadow became bigger but also more clear; it was a massive door, atleast twenty meters high and made or strong and thick metal.

I have never seen something like this before, who ever made this? What is behind that door?

As my curiosity took over I walked closer, placing my hand on the door. It felt warm but I also felt vibrations, but, from what? The door was thick metal, you would think vibrations wouldn't even get trough.

I closed my eyes and was thinking but not for long as it gets interrupted by the same voice asking for help. Was the person behind that door? How did he get there? How do I get in there?

Confused I place both my hands on the door and focused. I was thinking about the person, thinking about how I wanted to help them, but it felt helpless. How was it possible to help someone behind a door which seems to be closed for good?

With a bit of worried and sad face I stepped back. This felt useless.
I sat down on a big rock, brainstorming to find a solution. Explosives? No, that will collapse the tunnel and cutting tools would be useless because of the thick and unknown kind of metal.

For twenty minutes I was just sitting, but then, out of nowhere, a loud bang. I stood up out of shock and shouldered my rifle.
Again, a loud bang, followed by the sound of locks opening. The cave starts to shake and rocks fall down. I took cover and hide, the door was opening! A very bright stroke of light entered the cave and I had to close my eyes to not get blinded.

Out of sudden, the shaking stopped and the door was half opened.I slowly opened my eyes, first I had to get used of the light before standing up.

With my hand covering the bright light I walked closer to the entrance, slowly getint used of the bright light.

And then, I stood there, in the middle of the big door opening.
I fully opened my eyes and was in shock. I couldn't move at all, my body refused.

Behind the door was something what was even more impressive than the planet and cave together.

This was something what looked like a whole different universe...

End of part 3, to be continued...

Note that his is an own created storyline. I do not try to follow Elite's lore!
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