Logbook entry


15 May 2022Mikhail Fedotov
As soon as my eyes got used to the bright light, my view became better.

Behind that door was something humanity has never seen before, atleast, never confirmed.
It was a massive rocky field with two or three buildings, but they didn't look human made. The material looked like thick metal, something like tungsten.

I ran a scan and even my AI didn't recognize any of the materials in this place, was this something alien?

The green fog wasn't really calming me down, was is toxic? Could it bite trough my suit? I did not know, but I took the risk.

I slowly started to approach the big building, what looked like a base, and as soon as I got closer the temperature changed. It became warmer by every step I made closer to the base.

After a fifteen minute walk I stood in an open place which was located in the middle of the base.
I ran an another scan and this time it picked up lifeforms! Lifeforms which aren't registered yet.

Did I just discovered a new type of lifeform? I couldn't make out if it they were plants or actual intelligent living beings.

I started to explore the base a bit and I noticed the weird green slime again. On the left of it I saw holes from gun fire. What happened here? Was there any danger here? Was there a fight? Am I in danger?

Something was telling me to take a look on the rooftop and I did so. I climbed up and once I got there I had a whole overview of the base. Now you could really see how big this actually was.

I smiled, I smiled because I discovered something what humankind had discovered before.

But, that smile was for only a few seconds... It got roughly interrupted by something extremely loud, a sound which I couldn't really place.
It sounded like a scream, an angry scream, it sounded like an angry whale which was screaming.

Immediately I shouldered my rifle and aimed up to the air. A weird cloud appeared and again that weird scream. What was that?!

I waited and waited, the cloud kept screaming and I was still holding my position with shaking legs.

Then, something appeared from out the cloud. It was an unusual shape but something I recognized...
With narrowed eyes I waited till it left the cloud and I saw a flower shaped lifeform.

I was in shock, I was frozen, I wanted to run but I couldn't move. With an opened mouth I stared with big eyes to the flower shaped lifeform which was slowly approaching me.

The unknown lifeform was growling while it was approaching me, I didn't move or shoot now, this might could make things worse.
Then, it was right in front of me, almost if it was inspecting and not knowing what to do with me.

Out of sudden it started to scream again, I wanted to cover my ears but of course I couldn't, I was in a suit! I backed off a bit, almost falling backwards and kept staring at it.
The lifeform didn't look happy at all.

I opened my eyes again and I was eye in eye with the lifeform when then out of sudden a green glow showed up.
It was glowing! What was it doing or preparing?

Before I even could think some weird green stripes came out of the lifeform, the looked like tentacles.
The green stuff touched me, it was warm, but it didn't hurt at all. Was it scanning me to see what or who I was?

Again is started to scream and the green stripes lifted me up from the ground. I panicked and wanted to shoot and run, but it felt like it was paralyzing me. I couldn't feel or move anything at all.

The lifeform pulled me closer and closer and while this was happening all kind of thoughts and flashbacks went trough my head.
Was this mistake I made? Discovering unknown knowledge? Maybe it didn't even wanted to be discovered and I was so stupid enough to do so!

Then, when I was close enough, I felt a lot of pain, if someone was stabbing me. I screamed and then silence... my body got weak and my view got blurry. The sounds around me disappeared. I tried to fight back by staying awake but I couldn't, it was the same feeling as getting anesthesia.

Slowly I fell asleep and everything turned black...

End of part 4, to be continued...

Note that this is a story with an own twist, I do not try to follow Elite's lore!
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